Sir James George Frazer | British Anthropologist, Author of The Golden Bough | Britannica (original) (raw)

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May 7, 1941, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, Eng. (aged 87)

Sir James George Frazer (born Jan. 1, 1854, Glasgow, Scot.—died May 7, 1941, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, Eng.) was a British anthropologist, folklorist, and classical scholar, best remembered as the author of The Golden Bough.

From an academy in Helensburgh, Dumbarton, Frazer went to Glasgow University (1869), entered Trinity College, Cambridge (1874), and became a fellow (1879). In 1907 he was appointed professor of social anthropology at Liverpool, but he returned to Cambridge after one session, remaining there for the rest of his life.

His outstanding position among anthropologists was established by the publication in 1890 of The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion (enlarged to 12 vol., 1911–15; abridged edition in 1 vol., 1922; supplementary vol. Aftermath, 1936). The underlying theme of the work is Frazer’s theory of a general development of modes of thought from the magical to the religious and, finally, to the scientific. His distinction between magic and religion (magic as an attempt to control events by technical acts based upon faulty reasoning, religion as an appeal for help to spiritual beings) has been basically assumed in much anthropological writing since his time. Although the evolutionary sequence of magical, religious, and scientific thought is no longer accepted and Frazer’s broad general psychological theory has proved unsatisfactory, his work enabled him to synthesize and compare a wider range of information about religious and magical practices than has been achieved subsequently by any other single anthropologist.

The Golden Bough directed attention to the combination of priestly with kingly office in the “divine kingships” widely reported from Africa and elsewhere. According to Frazer, the institution of divine kingship derived from the belief that the well-being of the social and natural orders depended upon the vitality of the king, who must therefore be slain when his powers begin to fail him and be replaced by a vigorous successor.

In making a vast range of primitive custom appear intelligible to European thinkers of his time, Frazer had a wide influence among men of letters; and, though he traveled little himself, he was in close contact with missionaries and administrators who provided information for him and valued his interpretation of it. His other works include Totemism and Exogamy (1910) and Folk-Lore in the Old Testament (1918). He was knighted in 1914.

This article was most recently revised and updated by Encyclopaedia Britannica.