Perugino | Italian Renaissance Painter & Master of Frescoes (original) (raw)

Quick Facts

Byname of:

Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci


c. 1450, Città della Pieve, near Perugia, Romagna [Italy]


February/March 1523, Fontignano, near Perugia

Perugino (born c. 1450, Città della Pieve, near Perugia, Romagna [Italy]—died February/March 1523, Fontignano, near Perugia) was an Italian Renaissance painter of the Umbria school and the teacher of Raphael. His work (e.g., Christ Giving the Keys to St. Peter, 1481–82, a fresco in the Sistine Chapel in Rome) anticipated High Renaissance ideals in its compositional clarity, sense of spaciousness, and economy of formal elements.

Early work

Nothing is known for certain of Perugino’s early training, but he may have been a pupil of Fiorenzo di Lorenzo (c. 1440–1525), a minor painter in Perugia, and of the renowned Umbrian Piero della Francesca (c. 1420–92) in Arezzo, in which case he would have been a fellow pupil of one of his most famous contemporaries, Luca Signorelli. The two men were acquainted, and an occasional influence from Signorelli is visible in Perugino’s work, notably in the direction of an increased hardness of drawing (e.g., Crucifixion and Saints, c. 1480–1500). In Florence, where he is first recorded in 1472, he almost certainly worked in the shop of the painter and sculptor Andrea del Verrocchio, where the young Leonardo da Vinci was apprenticed.

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The first certain work by Perugino is a Saint Sebastian, at Cerqueto, near Perugia. This fresco (a mural painted on wet plaster with water-soluble pigments) dates from 1478 and is typical of Perugino’s style. He must have attained a considerable reputation by this time, since he probably worked for Pope Sixtus IV in Rome, 1478–79, on frescoes now lost. Sixtus IV also employed him to paint a number of the frescoes in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican Palace. Completed between 1481 and 1482, three narrative scenes behind the altar were destroyed by Michelangelo in 1535–36 in order to use the space for his fresco of the Last Judgment. Of the scenes completely by Perugino’s own hand, only the fresco Christ Giving the Keys to St. Peter has survived. The simple and lucid arrangement of the composition reveals the centre of narrative action, unlike the frescoes in the same series by the Florentine painter Sandro Botticelli, which, in comparison, appear overcrowded and confused in their narrative focus. After completing his work in the Sistine Chapel, Perugino returned to Florence, where he was commissioned to work in the Palazzo della Signoria. In 1491 he was invited to sit on the committee concerned with finishing the Florence cathedral.

Mature work

From approximately 1490 to 1500, Perugino was at his most productive and at the artistic summit of his career. Among the finest of his works executed during this time are the Vision of St. Bernard, the Madonna and Saints, the Pietà, and the fresco of the Crucifixion for the Florentine convent of Sta. Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi. These works are characterized by ample sculptural figures gracefully posed in simple Renaissance architectural settings, which act as a frame to the images and the narrative. The harmonious space is tightly controlled in the foreground and middle ground, while the background effect is conversely one of infinite space. During this period he painted his best known portrait, a likeness of Francesco delle Opere. Perugino must have been well acquainted with the late 15th-century portraiture of Flanders, since the influence of the Flemish painter Hans Memling is unmistakable.

Commissioned by the guild of bankers of Perugia, Perugino painted a fresco cycle in their Sala dell’Udienza that is believed to have been completed during or shortly after 1500, the date that appears opposite Perugino’s self-portrait in one of the scenes. The importance of these frescoes lies less in their artistic merit than in the fact that the young Raphael, Perugino’s pupil about 1500, probably was an assistant learning the technique of fresco painting. An allegorical figure of Fortitude from this series is often attributed to Raphael.

Late work

After 1500 Perugino’s art began to decline, and he frequently repeated his earlier compositions in a routine manner. The 16th-century biographer and artist Giorgio Vasari wrote that the critical Florentines began to lampoon him, and Perugino replied that they had once praised his work, and, if he now gave the same designs, they had no right to blame him. It is certainly true that the Combat of Love and Chastity was commissioned in 1503 by Isabella d’Este and was delivered only in 1505, after a great many letters had passed between all concerned, at which time Isabella expressed herself as satisfied but only moderately so. Perugino left Florence about 1505 and began to work principally for the less critical public of Umbria.

In 1508 he made a temporary comeback by painting roundels on the ceiling of the Stanza dell’Incendio in the Vatican. The commission for the frescoes on the walls of the room went to his pupil Raphael, who, in the few years after leaving Perugino’s studio, proved himself the greater artist.

One of Perugino’s last commissions was the completion in 1521 of some frescoes in S. Severo, Perugia, which had been begun by Raphael. He was still painting in February or March 1523 when he died of the plague. The fresco of the Nativity comes from Fontignano and is generally supposed to be Perugino’s last work.

Peter J. Murray