Ramsay MacDonald | Prime Minister, Labour Party, Significance, & Death (original) (raw)

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James Ramsay MacDonald


November 9, 1937, at sea en route to South America (aged 71)

Ramsay MacDonald (born October 12, 1866, Lossiemouth, Moray, Scotland—died November 9, 1937, at sea en route to South America) was the first Labour Party prime minister of Great Britain, in the Labour governments of 1924 and 1929–31 and in the national coalition government of 1931–35.

MacDonald was the son of an unmarried maidservant. He ended his elementary education at the age of 12 but continued at school for another six years, working as a pupil-teacher.

In 1885 he went to work in Bristol, where the activities of the Social Democratic Federation acquainted him with left-wing ideas. Traveling to London the following year, he joined the Fabian Society, was employed in menial office jobs, and worked for a science degree in his spare time until his health broke down. In 1894 he joined the newly founded Independent Labour Party, and the next year he was defeated as a candidate of that party for the House of Commons.

Hear a re-enactment of the statement by Ramsay MacDonald to Edward Grey's address to Parliament opposing Great Britain's entry into World War I, August 3, 1914Listen to a reenactment of Ramsay MacDonald's response to British Foreign Secretary Edward Grey's impassioned address to Parliament on the eve of Great Britain's entrance into World War I, on August 3, 1914.

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In 1900 he became the first secretary of the Labour Representation Committee (LRC), the true predecessor of the Labour Party. In 1906 he was one of 29 LRC members to win election to the Commons; the LRC thereupon transformed itself into the Labour Party. Five years later he succeeded Keir Hardie as parliamentary leader of the party. He was forced to resign in favour of Arthur Henderson in 1914 after stating that Great Britain was morally wrong in declaring war on Germany. Although he nonetheless insisted that the nation should make every effort to win the war, he lost much of his popularity and was defeated for reelection in 1918. On returning to Parliament in 1922, he was chosen to lead the Labour opposition.

After the election of 1923 the Conservatives remained the largest party in Parliament, but for the first time they were outnumbered by the Labourites and the Liberals combined. H.H. Asquith, leader of the Liberals and a former prime minister, offered to support MacDonald. On January 22, 1924, MacDonald became prime minister and also foreign secretary. Under his leadership that year, Great Britain granted recognition to the Soviet regime in Russia; the Geneva Protocol for security and disarmament (approved by the League of Nations Assembly on October 2, 1924) was initiated; and the threat of violence in Ireland was averted when the British government agreed to cancel the debt owed by the Irish Free State, in return for the Free State’s abandonment of its demand for the six northern counties.

A bungled prosecution of J.R. Campbell, a communist newspaper editor, led to an adverse vote in the Commons. Because of that rebuff and various other factors, the Conservatives regained a majority, and MacDonald resigned November 4, 1924. At the general election of 1929, however, Labour for the first time achieved the largest number of seats, and MacDonald returned as prime minister on June 5. He negotiated an Anglo–U.S. naval limitation treaty (1930), while his foreign secretary, Arthur Henderson, was organizing the World Disarmament Conference at Geneva. At home, the effects of the worldwide economic depression proved beyond the understanding of MacDonald and most of his Cabinet. On August 24, 1931, he offered his resignation, but the next day his Labour colleagues were dismayed to learn that he was remaining in office as head of a coalition, with Conservative and Liberal support. His ability to lead the government was waning, however, and the lord president of the council, Stanley Baldwin, a former Conservative prime minister, became effective head of the government. Finally, on June 7, 1935, MacDonald exchanged offices with Baldwin. He resigned the lord presidency on May 28, 1937, and died later that year on a voyage to South America.

The first volume of Lord Elton’s Life of James Ramsay MacDonald, covering his career until 1919, appeared in 1939; the second volume was never published. L. MacNeill Weir wrote The Tragedy of Ramsay MacDonald (1938). A major biography is David Marquand’s Ramsay MacDonald (1977).

The Editors of Encyclopaedia BritannicaThis article was most recently revised and updated by Encyclopaedia Britannica.