Wudi | Han Dynasty Emperor & Reformer (original) (raw)

Quick Facts

Wade-Giles romanization:


Notable Family Members:

father Jingdi

Wudi (born 156 bc—died March 29, 87 bc) was the autocratic Chinese emperor (141–87 bc) who vastly increased the authority of the Han dynasty (206 bc–ad 220) and extended Chinese influence abroad. He made Confucianism the state religion of China.

Liu Che was probably the 11th son of the Jingdi emperor, the fifth ruler of the Han dynasty. Not being the eldest son, he would normally not have ascended the throne, but relatives of the emperor secured his designation as heir apparent at age seven. From his relatives and his teachers, the future emperor absorbed influences from two basically antagonistic schools: the Daoists, inclined to the legalist philosophy favouring an autocratic ruler guided by the rules of expediency, and the Confucianists, who sought through rituals and other means to check the growing power of the Han monarchs.

Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon in Coronation Robes or Napoleon I Emperor of France, 1804 by Baron Francois Gerard or Baron Francois-Pascal-Simon Gerard, from the Musee National, Chateau de Versailles. Britannica Quiz Kings and Emperors (Part III) Quiz

The Wudi emperor began his reign in 141 bc. During its early years he was under the moderating influence of relatives and court officials; however, by the late 130s he had decided that the essentially defensive foreign policy of his predecessors was not going to solve his foreign problems. From 133 bc he launched attacks on the nomadic Xiongnu people, who constituted China’s principal threat on the northern frontier, and thereafter he committed his realm to the expansion of the empire. By 101 bc Wudi’s troops, spurred by an emperor heedless of their hardships and intolerant of defeat, had extended Chinese control in all directions.

Southern China and northern and central Vietnam were incorporated into the empire. Northern and central Korea, which had slipped from Chinese control in 128 bc, were reconquered and again administered by imperial governors. Imperial troops were also sent across the Gobi (Desert) in unsuccessful attempts to eliminate the threat from the Xiongnu.

Han armies were farthest from home when they marched west into the Fergana Valley region (now in Uzbekistan). The first expedition, in 104 bc, was a failure, but the emperor refused to accept defeat. His intransigence stemmed from pride and his desire for horses. The horses Wudi wanted from Fergana were not principally intended for his war machine (although the Han armies suffered a chronic shortage of horses); rather, they were “blood sweating” horses (infected by a parasite causing skin hemorrhages), which for the emperor had a mystical significance in that possession of them was considered a mark of Heaven’s grace. The second expedition returned in 101 bc with some of the famous horses and the head of the ruler of Fergana; furthermore, the small states between China and Fergana had been humbled. Wudi had brought to submission all but the most distant parts of the world known to the Chinese.

His wars and other undertakings exhausted the state’s reserves and forced him to look for other sources of income. New taxes were decreed and state monopolies on salt, iron, and wine were instituted. Yet, by the latter part of his reign, his regime was in financial difficulties and confronted by popular unrest. The emperor’s economic controls were paralleled by his rigid control of the state apparatus. He created institutions for close supervision of the bureaucracy and drew into his personal service men who were outside the normal bureaucratic ranks and who made the bureaucracy more responsive to his will. He usually selected men whose behaviour was much like his own: harsh, demanding, and merciless.

In spite of his aggressive policies, the Wudi emperor is also known for making Confucianism the state orthodoxy. Although he was unimpressed with the image of the ideal Confucian ruler as a benevolent father figure, he nevertheless appreciated the literary grace of the Confucianists and particularly the Confucian emphasis on ritual, which complemented his religious interests.

Most of the rituals performed by the Wudi emperor had a dual function; although of dynastic political and religious significance, they frequently manifested his ceaseless search for immortality. He richly rewarded men who he believed could introduce him to immortals who would reveal their secrets to him. He sent men in search of the islands of the immortals and constructed elaborate palaces and towers designed to attract the spirits to him. At great expense he had conquered much of the world, and he invested heavily in the ardent hope that he would not have to leave it.

The last four years of Wudi’s life were a time of retreat and regret. His empire could no longer afford an aggressive foreign policy, and he was forced to begin a period of retrenchment. The deeply suspicious emperor suffered intense personal loss when, in 91 bc, his heir apparent was falsely accused by an imperial confidant of practicing witchcraft against the emperor. In desperation, the son led an uprising in which thousands of people were killed and in which the heir committed suicide. Shortly before the emperor’s death, he designated an eight-year-old son as heir apparent; then, anticipating his own death, he had the youth’s mother accused of a crime and imprisoned. Reportedly she “died of grief,” but Wudi condoned her death, and perhaps caused it, to avoid having the young emperor dominated by relatives as he himself had been. He died in 87 bc.

The Wudi emperor is best remembered for his military conquests; hence, his posthumous title, Wudi, meaning “Martial Emperor.” His administrative reforms left an enduring mark on the Chinese state, and his exclusive recognition of Confucianism had a permanent effect on subsequent East Asian history.

Jack L. Dull