Pace Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary (original) (raw)

Britannica Dictionary definition of PACE





the speed at which someone or something moves



the speed at which something happens

— see also change of pace




a single step or the length of a single step

— usually plural

go through your paces


to do something in order to show others how well you do it

keep pace with


to go or make progress at the same speed as (someone or something else)


behind in a race, competition, etc.

put someone or something through his/her/its paces


to test what someone or something can do

set the pace


to be the one that is at the front in a race and that controls how fast the other racers have to go

— often used figuratively

— see also pacesetter

Britannica Dictionary definition of PACE



to walk back and forth across the same space again and again especially because you are nervous

[+ object]

[no object]


[+ object]


to control or set the speed of (someone or something)

— see also outpace

pace (something) off


pace off (something)


to measure (something) by walking and counting the number of steps you take

pace yourself


to do something at a speed that is steady and that allows you to continue without becoming too tired