Berlin - Economy, Manufacturing, Services (original) (raw)

Industry and trade

To a large extent, traditional economic activities, greatly reduced by World War II, have been revived throughout Greater Berlin. These include the production of textiles, metals, clothing, porcelain and china, bicycles, and machinery. Electronics became a principal postwar industry. The production of food, chemicals, cigarettes, and confectionery continues. Berlin is Germany’s largest industrial town and a major centre of trade and technological development; many companies maintain facilities in the city.


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Modern rapid transit systems have existed since the 19th century. Construction of the Stadt- or Schnellbahn (S-Bahn), a largely elevated and partly underground railway system, began in 1871, and building of the subway, or Untergrundbahn (U-Bahn), was initiated in 1897. By World War II the city had one of the finest rapid transit systems in Europe. After the erection of the wall, the bus became the mainstay of transportation, although streetcar service continued in some eastern districts. After unification, through train service increased rapidly, reconnecting Berlin with all major German and European cities.

Air traffic has played an important role since 1945, particularly in West Berlin in 1948, at the time of the Soviet blockade of the western sectors. Tempelhof, the main field of the airlift, lost its traditional role as the centre of Berlin’s air traffic during the 1970s. (It closed permanently in 2008.) German reunification brought a general revision of Berlin’s passenger and commercial air traffic pattern. The Berlin-Tegel and Berlin-Schönefeld airports remained in operation, but in the late 1990s expansion of Schönefeld began, with the goal of eventually making it the sole commercial airport in the city. After numerous setbacks and delays, the expanded airport, known as Berlin Brandenburg Airport, opened in 2020, and shortly thereafter Berlin-Tegel closed.

The Bundesautobahn (National Expressway) in Berlin is part of a national superhighway network inaugurated before World War II. The system is linked with the Berliner Ring, a circle of autobahns around the city with Berlin in the centre of access spokes. Even before 1990, both Germanys had cooperated in maintaining road and rail traffic to and from Berlin. A new autobahn connecting Berlin with Hamburg was financed by West Germany. Since 1990, both the autobahn and railway systems have been expanded in order to serve Berlin’s metropolitan and capital functions.

Administration and social conditions


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Berlin has a central government and 12 district governments, with a chief burgomaster, or mayor, a 16-member government, and a city assembly, or parliament, on the central, or Land (state), level, and district mayors, district councils (governments), and district assemblies on the local level. The city has various local and state courts, including a constitutional court. The constitution of former West Berlin, amended in 1990, served as the transitional constitution of the state of Berlin until 1995, when a referendum on a revised constitution passed. The first all-Berlin elections since 1948 were held in 1990. For the following decade the united city was governed by a Christian Democratic mayor and a grand coalition of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Social Democratic Party (SPD). In 2001 Social Democrat Klaus Wowereit became Berlin’s mayor, and the SPD subsequently forged a coalition with the Party of Democratic Socialism, the successor to the communist Socialist Unity Party, which had controlled East Germany’s government during partition. The official seat of the government is again in the Rotes Rathaus, the red-brick town hall, in the old city centre.

In 1999, based on the Unification Treaty and a resolution of the Bundestag (federal parliament) of 1991, Berlin was reestablished as the nation’s capital, and in 2000 it also became the seat of parliament and most federal ministries. A few federal and European institutions, such as the Federal Antitrust Commission, the Federal Environment Office, the Federal Health Office, and the Federal and European Offices of Vocational Education, were already located in Berlin before reunification. From 1949 to 1990 East Berlin was the capital of the GDR and one of East Germany’s 15 districts, while West Berlin was the 11th state of West Germany. Formal reunification ended four-power jurisdiction in Berlin.


Far-reaching health insurance is available throughout the city. Berlin forms Germany’s largest centre of medical activity. It has a comprehensive system of public and private hospitals, including the famous Charité (founded as a royal hospital in 1710), which lists Robert Koch, Rudolf Virchow, and Ernst Sauerbruch among its finest scholars, and the two clinics, Steglitz and Rudolf Virchow, which are major teaching centres of the three large medical schools in Berlin.

Education and science

Berlin has traditionally played a leading role in German education. Secondary education is based on both a three-track system of separate schools differentiated by ability and a unified system of comprehensive schools (grades 7–10), senior high schools (grades 11–13), and various types of full-time and part-time vocational and professional schools or colleges. The city’s system of higher education consists of about 20 public and private universities and colleges, including Humboldt University (HU), Free University (FU), and Technical University (TU), with more than 140,000 students. Humboldt University was until 1933 Germany’s most renowned institution of higher education. Because of communist hegemony, nonconformist academics left East Berlin in 1948 and founded FU later that same year, with substantial American support. From its inception, FU—and particularly its Department of Political Science, the largest one in Germany—drew political activists from all over the country. By 1967 a new left had emerged, whose militancy was carried into the streets, leading to violent clashes with the police. It initiated the German student revolt of 1968, which during the early 1970s brought about thorough reforms in higher education. Since the late 1970s student activism has declined. In East Berlin neither the students nor the professors of HU played a significant role in the reform groups of the 1980s or the demonstrations in the autumn of 1989.

Unification-related problems are obvious within the education system. But they could be handled more easily than in the other “new” states because integration of east and west occurred within the same state.

Several noteworthy archives and libraries operate in the city. Libraries of acclaim are the American Memorial Library, built with U.S. aid; the Art Library, a state museum founded in 1867; and the National Library, which is also a major cultural and educational centre.

Since the late 19th century Berlin has been Germany’s primary centre of science and research. In 1910 the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Promotion of Sciences (renamed the Max Planck Society in 1948) was founded. Among its first and internationally acclaimed scholars were Albert Einstein and Max Planck. Internationally recognized postwar institutions are the Science Institute for Advanced Studies, or Wissenschaftskolleg, eight Max Planck institutes and centres, including those for Molecular Genetics and for Education Research, the Hahn-Meitner Institute for nuclear research, the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, the German Foundation for International Development, the Science Centre, four institutes of the Fraunhofer Society, the Historical Commission, and the Aspen Institute for Humanic Studies. Since 1991 new major research institutions have derived from the large and highly centralized Academy of Science, including the Max Delbrück Centre for Molecular Medicine and the Centre for Research and Development in Berlin-Adlershof. The Academy of Sciences, founded as the Electoral Prince of Brandenburg Society in 1700, was the primary research organization of the GDR. The academy was phased out in 1991, and its research institutes were either integrated into existing research organizations and universities or dissolved; only its association of scholars continues to exist. In 1991 the governments of Brandenburg and Berlin decided to refound the former Prussian Academy of Sciences as the first common Berlin-Brandenburg institution on the way to the formal unification of the two Länder.

Cultural life

When Berlin was a provincial capital, it only rarely rivaled cities such as London and Paris as a cultural magnet and, because of the regionalism of German life, seldom monopolized talented individuals as did other national capitals. From the 18th century, however, its cultural contribution became distinctive, and, if its 19th-century title “Spree-Athen” (“Athens on the Spree”) seems exaggerated, the contribution of Berliners to architecture, the arts and sciences has nevertheless been considerable. By 1750 the Prussian State Opera on Unter den Linden was rated among the finest opera houses in Europe, and the city’s link with musical excellence was firmly established. Although Berlin never rivaled Vienna as a centre for German composers, it nonetheless held its own with composers such as Felix Mendelssohn and Paul Hindemith.

Despite the stigma of Nazism, the destruction of war, and division, Berlin was able to rebuild its reputation as a centre of international cultural life. In fact, the division of the city into two halves doubled many of its cultural institutions and activities; moreover, isolated West Berlin established its raison d’être primarily as a place of science, culture, and education. As a consequence, Berlin today is unique in its large number and variety of cultural institutions.

The renaissance of German literature, dating from the late 18th century, found at least one of its homes in Berlin. Among the finest 19th-century writers associated with Berlin is Theodor Fontane, who wrote for the city’s newspapers the Kreuzzeitung and Vossische Zeitung and who perfected the German realistic novel. Other noted 19th-century writers who flourished in Berlin were the playwright Heinrich von Kleist and E.T.A. Hoffmann, who is best known for his fantastic short stories.

From the 18th century the Prussian state was served by a line of distinguished architects. Among these were Andreas Schlüter, who initiated the late German Baroque style; Georg Venzeslaus von Knobelsdorff, who built Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam just outside Berlin for Frederick the Great; and Karl Friedrich Schinkel, who gave the centre of Berlin its characteristic Neoclassical grandeur. The court painters Antoine Pesne and Adolf Menzel and the sculptor Christian Daniel Rauch, among others, lived in Berlin.

From the founding of the Frederick William University in 1809, Berlin became one of the foremost centres of German intellectual life. The city once rivaled Leipzig as a centre for German publishing, but its publishers’ row was almost wiped out by wartime bombing. In the 19th century Berlin was also the centre for German newspaper publishing, and it still has more daily newspapers than do most large cities. Today there are again more than 200 publishing houses in Berlin.

Berlin’s role as a city of the imagination, of myth and symbol, reached its zenith not during the years of imperial splendour but during the era that followed, the period of the troubled Weimar Republic in the 1920s, the Goldene Zwanziger Jahre (the “Golden Twenties”), when Berlin developed an extraordinary reputation for cultural brilliance and intellectual ferment. Fritz Lang chose the city of Berlin in which to direct his famous movie Metropolis, and Walter Ruttmann the film Berlin: die Symphonie einer Grossstadt (“Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis”). The theatres, clubs, cabarets, and other amusement enterprises that made Berlin notorious in the 1920s continued into the postwar period. However, the image of Weimar cultural brilliance, to which many Jewish artists and intellectuals contributed, was succeeded by another image of Berlin as the city of fascist intolerance and genocide, moral breakdown and destruction, until the Nazi regime crashed into defeat. Some of the loss brought by the 12-year Nazi rule can never be entirely restored—particularly the cultural contribution of the Jews. But today Berlin again has the largest Jewish community in Germany and a significant number of Jewish institutions, and in 2005 a memorial to Jewish victims of the Holocaust was completed in the city.

The new Opera House (Deutsche Oper Berlin) was opened in West Berlin in 1961, and it quickly established a position as one of the leading opera houses of the Western world. The Opera House in East Berlin, destroyed in World War II, was rebuilt in 1951; it is home to the long-established Deutsche Staatsoper (German National Opera). East Berlin’s Comic Opera also gained fame. Classical music in general finds a distinguished home in Berlin. Foremost among many notable musical ensembles is the world-famous Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, founded in 1882; it reached new heights in the second half of the 20th century under the leadership of the conductors Wilhelm Furtwängler and Herbert von Karajan.

More than 100 theatres give expression to all facets of the classical and modern international theatre, among them the internationally acclaimed Berliner Ensemble, founded by the playwright Bertolt Brecht in 1948; the Schiller-Theater with its associated theatre workshop; the Theatre of the West; the Schaubühne, for many critics the best German-language theatre; the Schlosspark-Theater; and numerous privately operated theatres, including those of the alternative scene (e.g., UFA-Fabrik). International theatre and music festivals are held each year. In the early 20th century Berlin became the German centre of film production. From the 1960s a notable revival of filmmaking began in West Berlin. The Berlin Film Festival, founded in 1951, became one of the most important in the world.

Berlin is famous for its many excellent museums. Because the prewar museum sites and parts of the old collections were located in what became East Berlin, a magnificent new museum complex, collectively called the Dahlem Museums, was built in the district of Dahlem. The Egyptian Museum is also noted for its outstanding collection, which includes the celebrated bust of Queen Nefertiti. Another cultural complex is the Berlin Cultural Forum with the New National Gallery and the Museum of Arts and Crafts. Other postwar institutions are the Brücke-Museum, the Berlin Museum, the Museum of Transport and Technology, and the Jewish Museum Berlin.