Hungary - Financial Crisis, Right Radicalism | Britannica (original) (raw)

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Bethlen’s command of Parliament was complete and unshaken by the disastrous fall in world wheat prices in 1929. In June 1931 he had just held elections that returned his party with its usual large majority when a world financial crisis supervened on the economic one to shatter the foundations of his structure. Foreign creditors called in their money, and Hungary, its trade balance annihilated by the collapse of the wheat market, could not meet their demands and had to apply for help from the League of Nations, which imposed a regime of rigid orthodox deflation. Industrial unemployment soared again, the agricultural population was rendered almost literally penniless, and the government services had to carry through large-scale dismissals and salary reductions in the interests of a balanced budget. Consequently, in the early 1930s, many persons with university degrees were scurrying around for jobs as bellhops and street cleaners.

In August Bethlen resigned. His successor, Gyula, Count Károlyi, was unable to cope with the situation. Political agitation mounted, and on October 1, 1932, Horthy appointed as prime minister the leader of the right-wing radicals, Gyula Gömbös.

At home Gömbös found the financial forces, international and domestic, as invincible as had his predecessors. Previously a violent anti-Semite, he had to recant his views on this point and was unable to carry through any other points of his fascist program, particularly as Horthy at first refused to allow him to hold elections. Neither was he able to realize his foreign political ideal of an “Axis” composed of Hungary, Italy, and Germany, since his two proposed partners were then at loggerheads over Austria. Gömbös, one of whose first acts had been to dash to Rome and breathe new life into Hungary’s friendship with Italy, now found himself drawn into the “Rome Triangle” (Italy, Austria, and Hungary) that was directed precisely against Germany. Finally, Adolf Hitler upset another of Gömbös’s calculations by telling him that, while Germany would help Hungary against Czechoslovakia, it would not do so against Romania or Yugoslavia.

Nevertheless, by the time of Gömbös’s premature death in October 1936, he had managed to achieve at least some of his goals. Shortly before Gömbös died, Horthy had at last allowed him to hold elections, which had brought into Parliament a strong right-wing radical contingent from which it could never thereafter free itself. Abroad, when Benito Mussolini became subordinate to Hitler, Hungary found itself in a sort of Axis camp after all, membership of which might help it at least to accomplish partial revision of the Treaty of Trianon. On the other hand, if Germany chose to apply economic or political pressure, Hungary would be defenseless but for such shadow help as Italy could offer.

This threat already loomed large, and thenceforward it became inextricably involved with Hungary’s own internal politics, by reason of the ideological character of the Nazi regime and in particular its anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism at that stage was running high in Hungary itself, and those infected by it—not just the right-wing radicals of various brands but other members of the middle classes as well—welcomed Germany’s support for their own ideas while making light of its dangers. They even argued, not without reason, that the danger lay in affronting Germany, which could easily crush unarmed little Hungary but would not wish to attack a friend and ideological partner. Many of them (as well as most army officers) further believed that, should Hitler’s policies lead to war, Germany would emerge the victor; Hungary’s salvation thus lay in joining forces with Germany.

On the other side, a curious shadow front emerged, composed of all elements antagonistic to Nazism—not only Hungary’s Jews but also the legitimists, the traditionalist conservative-liberals, and the Social Democrats. Many of these people were not convinced that Germany was invincible and held that, if war came, only disaster could follow for Hungary if it became too closely involved with Germany. Even they, however, were unwilling to draw the ultimate conclusion that Hungary should abandon all its revisionist claims and join hands with the Little Entente, which for its part indicated that it would accept nothing short of total renunciation. It was of the highest importance that by this time Horthy had shed his earlier right-wing radical leanings and sympathized with this shadow front.

To succeed Gömbös, Horthy appointed Kálmán Darányi, who was more of a conservative than a right-wing radical. His appointment was ill-received in Germany, which grew even more hostile the next year, when Darányi’s foreign minister, Kálmán Kánya, obtained the tacit consent of the Little Entente for Hungary to rearm, although Hungary was still sadly short of armaments, for which, again, Germany was its only source of supply. On a visit to Berlin, Darányi and Kánya smoothed over the difficulties; but, when Darányi tried to placate the extremists at home, Horthy replaced him (in May 1938) with Béla Imrédy, who introduced a largely token “Jewish Law” (May 29, 1938) but nevertheless pinned his hopes on the West.

When the crisis of the Munich Agreement broke in September 1938, Imrédy and Kánya, while presenting Hungary’s claims on Czechoslovakia, limited those claims to what they hoped would be acceptable to the Western powers, whose endorsement they made every effort to obtain. Ignored by the West, the Hungarian leaders had to turn to Germany and Italy after all, which, under the “First Vienna Award” of November 2, gave Hungary the fringe of southern Slovakia inhabited by ethnic Hungarians. Imrédy, disillusioned with the West, dismissed Kánya for the pro-Axis István, Count Csáky, and sought to recover Hitler’s favour by introducing a more far-reaching Jewish Law (May 2, 1939). Imrédy’s enemies secured his resignation in February 1939 by unearthing documents purporting to show a Jewish strain in his own ancestry. Pál, Count Teleki, who succeeded him, was sympathetic to the West, but Hungary’s recovery of Carpatho-Ruthenia (March 1939) with Hitler’s sanction and approval made it difficult for him to pursue a pro-Western policy.