Arborescence | plant | Britannica (original) (raw)
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comparison with shrubs and trees
In shrub …between shrubs and trees are arborescences, or treelike shrubs, from 3 to 6 m tall. Trees are generally defined as woody plants more than 6 m tall, having a dominant stem, or trunk, and a definite crown shape. These distinctions are not reliable, however, for there are some shrubs, such… Read More
occurrence in cycadophytes
In cycadophyte: Stem …a majority of species are arborescent. The taller cycads include Microcycas calocoma (up to 10 metres [about 33 feet] high), Macrozamia moorei (up to 18 metres [59 feet]), Dioon spinulosum (up to 16 metres [52 feet]), Lepidozamia hopei (up to 18 metres [59 feet]), and Encephalartos altensteinii (up to 20… Read More