In shrub …it may be called a bush. Intermediate between shrubs and trees are arborescences, or treelike shrubs, from 3 to 6 m tall. Trees are generally defined as woody plants more than 6 m tall, having a dominant stem, or trunk, and a definite crown shape. These distinctions are not reliable,… Read More
development of bud
In plant development: Coordination of shoot and root development Weaker dominance results in a bushy growth form with repeated branching. The fact that lateral, or axillary, buds become more active when the terminal bud is removed suggests that hormonal control is involved. Read More
use in gardening
In gardening: Shrubs and vines (climbers) …plants, such as shrubs and bushes, have several stems arising from the base. These plants attain heights up to about 20 feet (6 metres). They often form the largest part of modern gardens, because their cultivation requires less labour than that of herbaceous plants, and some flowering shrubs have extended… Read More