Müllerian duct | anatomy | Britannica (original) (raw)
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discovery by Müller
In Johannes Müller …is now known as the Müllerian duct, which forms the female internal sexual organs. He contributed to knowledge of the composition of the blood and lymph, the process of coagulation, the structure of lymph hearts of frogs, the formation of images on the retina of the eye, and the propagation… Read More
role in fetal sexual development
In sexual differentiation …male genital tract, and the Müllerian duct, the source of the female reproductive organs. During the third month of fetal development, the Sertoli cells of the testes of XY fetuses begin to secrete a substance called Müllerian inhibiting hormone. This causes the Müllerian ducts to atrophy instead of develop into… Read More
In human sexual activity: Development and change in the reproductive system …of parallel ducts (Wolffian and Müllerian ducts); externally there is a genital protrusion with a groove (urethral groove) below it, the groove being flanked by two folds (urethral folds). On either side of the genital protrusion and groove are two ridgelike swellings (labioscrotal swellings). Around the fourth week of life… Read More
development in
female reproductive organs
In human reproductive system: Development of the reproductive organs …ducts, called the paramesonephric or müllerian ducts, persist, in females, to develop into the fallopian tubes, the uterus, and part of the vagina; in males they are largely suppressed. Differentiation also occurs in the primitive external genitalia, which in males become the penis and scrotum and in females the vulva… Read More
In animal development: Reproductive organs …duct, the paramesonephric duct (Müllerian duct), develops beside the mesonephric duct. At its anterior end it utilizes the funnels of the pronephric tubules as its entrance (ostium). The paramesonephric duct develops initially in both female and male embryos. The ducts remain in an indifferent stage longer than the gonads.… Read More