Schlemm’s canal | anatomy | Britannica (original) (raw)
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development of glaucoma
In glaucoma …into a circular channel, the canal of Schlemm, from which the aqueous humour flows (by way of vessels called aqueous veins) into blood vessels. Blockage of the aqueous humour flow causes increased pressure in the posterior chamber, and this pressure is transmitted by way of the vitreous to the optic… Read More
eye anatomy and function
In aqueous humour …trabecular meshwork and flows into Schlemm’s canal, a ringlike passageway around the outer angle of the anterior chamber in front of the iris. From the canal the liquid enters the veins. Read More
In human eye: The aqueous humour This channel, the canal of Schlemm, encircles the cornea and connects by small connector channels to the blood vessels buried in the sclera and forming the intrascleral plexus or network. From this plexus the blood, containing the aqueous humour, passes into more superficial vessels; it finally leaves the… Read More