Biogeographic region - Boreal, Arctic, Taiga | Britannica (original) (raw)
The Boreal, or Holarctic, kingdom (Figure 1) consists of Eurasia and North America, which essentially have been a contiguous mass since the Eocene Epoch (55.8 million to 33.9 million years ago). The narrow Bering Strait, between Siberia and Alaska, has existed only since the end of the Pleistocene (some 11,700 years ago). It is no surprise that the differences between the floras of these two continents are minor. Families such as Betulaceae (birch), Brassicaceae (also called Cruciferae), Primulaceae (primrose), Saxifragaceae (saxifrage), Rosaceae (rose), Ranunculaceae (buttercup), and Apiaceae (also called Umbelliferae) are spread across the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere.
This kingdom is divided into six regions.
Arctic and subarctic region
This region is the boreal tundra zone, extending from Spitsbergen (an island in the Arctic Ocean to the north of Norway) around the shores of the Arctic Ocean through Siberia and Arctic North America to Greenland (Figure 1). Flowering plants in this region are poor in diversity, but cryptogams are more diverse.
East Asian region
The East Asian, or Sino-Japanese, region, which has about 300 endemic genera, extends from the slopes of the eastern Himalayas into northeastern China and the Russian Far East, including Taiwan, Japan, and Sakhalin Island (Figure 1). In this region, tropical rainforest to the south merges into deciduous forest to the north. Characteristic plant families are Lauraceae (laurel), Magnoliaceae (magnolia), and Theaceae (tea). There are numerous endemic genera; Berberis, Rhododendron, and Juniperus are characteristic mountain genera.
Western and Central Asian region
Centred on the desert steppes of Central Asia and Mongolia, this floristic zone consists of 200 or more endemic genera and extends from the Caucasus to the Plateau of Tibet, with arid zone plants of the family Chenopodiaceae (goosefoot) and genera such as Salix (willow), Astragalus (milk vetch), and Picea (spruce) (Figure 1).
Mediterranean region
The Mediterranean region is the winter rainfall zone of the Holarctic kingdom (Figure 1). It is characterized by sclerophyllous plants mainly of the scrubland type known as maquis. It is difficult to define, however, because many of its characteristic plants (about 250 genera) are centred around but not confined to this region. The region extends entirely around the Mediterranean, from Portugal to Syria. Some classifications place the Canary Islands, which contain a subtropical rainforest biome, in this region, but Good categorizes these islands with the other eastern Atlantic island groups in a separate Macaronesian region, which contains about 30 endemic genera.
Eurosiberian region
The Eurosiberian region extends from Iceland around most of Europe via Siberia to Kamchatka. Conifers of the family Pinaceae—Pinus (pine), Larix (larch), Picea, and Abies (fir)—grow in vast, monospecific stands and give way to temperate deciduous forest to the south, tundra to the north, and moorlands (which contain Ericaceae [heath family], Carex [sedge], and Sphagnum moss in suitable areas). The western part of the region is much richer in species than the eastern part: there are about 100 genera that are endemic to Europe, with only about 12 endemic to Siberia.
North American region
The vegetation to the east of the Bering Strait, in the North American region (Figure 1), closely resembles that to the west, in the Eurosiberian region, with slight variations. The conifer genera Tsuga (hemlock), Sequoia (redwood), and others replace their Eurosiberian counterparts, and there are nine endemic families of flowering plants. Good and others separate the eastern (Atlantic) and western (Pacific) halves of North America into distinct regions, with 100 genera endemic to the Atlantic region and 300 endemic to the Pacific, although these endemic taxa comprise only a small part of the total flora.
Paleotropical kingdom
This kingdom extends from Africa, excluding strips along the northern and southern edges, through the Arabian peninsula, India, and Southeast Asia eastward into the Pacific (Figure 1). Plant families that extend over much of the region include the families Pandanaceae (screw pine) and Nepenthaceae (East Indian pitcher plant). The flora in this huge region, however, is not homogenous: 98 percent of species of Hawaiian flora are endemic, as are 70 percent of Fijian floral species and 60 percent of the floral species of New Caledonia. The divisions of the kingdom are disputed, but those most commonly recognized are the Malesian, Indoafrican, and Polynesian subkingdoms.
Malesian subkingdom
This subkingdom encompasses the islands of Southeast Asia and the Malay Peninsula, extending as far east as the mainland of New Guinea (Figure 3). Although it had sometimes been included with India in an Indo-Malayan region, the flora of what C.G.G.J. van Steenis (1950) called Malesia forms a tight-knit unity that can be subdivided into three divisions: a western area covering the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, and the Philippines; a southern area of Java and the Lesser Sundas; and an eastern area of Celebes, the Moluccas, and New Guinea. The region boasts approximately 400 endemic genera (20 percent of the total flora of the Earth), of which 130 genera are found in the western division, 15 in the southern division, and 150 in the eastern division. The biome types range from tropical rainforest to montane and cloud forest, with drier biome types in areas of the southern division. The rainforest biomes in the western part of the region are characterized by the dominance of the family Dipterocarpaceae, although the Guttiferae, Moraceae (mulberry), and Annonaceae (custard apple) families also are found throughout.
Indoafrican subkingdom
In the Indoafrican subkingdom (Figure 1), curiously little distinction is to be made between the flora of Africa (south of the Sahara) and the Indian subcontinent, Myanmar (Burma), and southern China. These areas are narrowly connected by a corridor running through the Arabian Peninsula and southern Iran. The flora of the island of Madagascar is the most divergent in the region and is often regarded as forming a separate region; the island has 12 endemic families and 350 endemic genera, although these form only about a quarter of the total. The flora of Sri Lanka has almost as much in common with Malesia as it does with India. Vegetation ranges from rainforest to semiarid steppe. The families Leguminoseae (legume) and Asteraceae (aster), often called Compositae, achieve their greatest diversity in the region, together with Combretaceae (Indian almond) and, in the arid south of Madagascar, Didiereaceae. Characteristic genera include the grasses Andropogon and Panicum and the giant baobab (Adansonia). In the montane (Afroalpine) zones Lobelia, Senecio, and Erica (heath) are characteristic. About 50 endemic genera define a desert zone extending from the Sahara to northwestern India; 500 are endemic to tropical Africa, 120 to India, and 300 to continental Southeast Asia, but the boundaries of these zones are poorly defined and the distributions of the endemics are only weakly coterminous.
Polynesian subkingdom
In many respects the Pacific islands are outliers of Malesia, but each of the four main divisions within the Polynesian subkingdom—Hawaii; the remaining portion of Polynesia; Melanesia and Micronesia; and New Caledonia, with Lord Howe and Norfolk islands (Figure 1)—has a high number of endemic taxa. Hawaii has more than 40 endemic genera; Polynesia, excluding Hawaii, has almost 20; the division of Melanesia and Micronesia has 38, with 17 confined to Fiji; and New Caledonia has 135 among a total of 600 genera native to the island. Only 21 of the subkingdom’s endemic genera occur in more than one of the four divisions. The unbalanced aspect of the flora is illustrated by the dominance, among the endemics, of the Arecaceae family, sometimes called Palmae—there are more than 35 endemic genera of palms in the Polynesian subkingdom—and a few other families.