In arachnid: Body and appendages …first of which are the chelicerae, the only appendages that are in front of the mouth. In many forms they are chelate, or pincerlike, and are used to hold and crush prey. Among spiders the basal segment of the chelicerae contains venom sacs, and the second segment, the fang, injects… Read More
In arachnid: External features The first pair, the chelicerae, often have claws or fangs. They are used to capture prey (spiders), transport a spermatophore (sunspiders, some mites and ticks), produce sounds (sunspiders, some spiders), cut strands of silk (web-dwelling spiders), and produce silk (pseudoscorpions). The pedipalps, the second pair, likewise are often highly… Read More
horseshoe crabs
In horseshoe crab: Natural history …legs: the first pair, called chelicerae, are used exclusively to seize worms, thin-shelled mollusks, crabs, and other prey. The mouth is surrounded by the next five pairs of legs, which are used both for walking and for eating. Spiny biting projections at the base of each leg tear the food… Read More
mites and ticks
In acarid: External features The chelicerae are basically three-segmented pincerlike appendages; however, as a result of the diverse feeding habits of some mites, chelicerae sometimes are modified as piercing organs (stylets). The pedipalps, which may be simple sensory structures or predatory organs modified for grasping or piercing, usually have five… Read More