Conditioned reflex | psychology | Britannica (original) (raw)
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associative learning
In conditioning …hearing this sound is the conditioned response (CR). The strength of conditioning is measured in terms of the number of drops of saliva the dog secretes during test trials in which food powder is omitted after the bell has rung. The dog’s original response of salivation upon the introduction of… Read More
In learning: Types of learning crystallizes new behaviour patterns. The earliest well-known conditioning experiment was performed by 19th-century Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, who conditioned dogs to salivate to the sound of bells. Read More
In animal learning: Classical and instrumental conditioning The elicitation of the conditional response by the conditional stimulus is termed a conditional reflex, the occurrence of which is reinforced by the presentation of the unconditional stimulus (food). In the absence of food, repeated presentation of the conditional stimulus alone will result in the gradual disappearance, or extinction,… Read More
compared with real reflexes
In human nervous system: Reflex actions The so-called conditioned reflexes are not reflexes at all but complicated acts of learned behavior. Salivation is one such conditioned reflex; it occurs only when a person is conscious of the presence of food or when one imagines food. Read More
contribution by Watson
In John B. Watson He also promoted conditioned responses as the ideal experimental tool. In 1918 Watson ventured into the relatively unexplored field of infant study. In one of his classic experiments—and one of the most controversial in the history of psychology—he conditioned fear of white rats and other furry objects in… Read More
Descartes’ theory of human behaviour
In René Descartes: Physics, physiology, and morals …that human beings can be conditioned by experience to have specific emotional responses. Descartes himself, for example, had been conditioned to be attracted to cross-eyed women because he had loved a cross-eyed playmate as a child. When he remembered this fact, however, he was able to rid himself of his… Read More
learning behaviour and theories of culture
In culture: Evolution of minding Second is the conditioned reflex stage, in which the response is elicited not by properties intrinsic in the stimulus but by meanings that the stimulus has acquired for the responding organism through experience—for example, Pavlov’s dog’s salivary glands responding to the sound of a bell. Third is the… Read More
role of nerves
In nervous system: Nervous systems This response, known as a conditioned reflex, is a form of learning. The behaviour of the animal is no longer limited by fixed, inherited reflex arcs but can be modified by experience and exposure to an unlimited number of stimuli. The most evolved nervous systems are capable of even higher… Read More
use in
Lamaze childbirth method
In Lamaze Applying Pavlov’s theory of conditioned reflexes, Lamaze taught the use of distraction techniques to decrease women’s perceptions of discomfort during labour contractions. These techniques include deep and shallow breathing, rhythmic light abdominal massage (effleurage), and concentration on external focal points or on internal visualization of pleasant experiences; all are… Read More
speech pathology
In speech disorder: Development of speech correction …emphasis on Pavlovian theory (conditioning and retraining) and intensive use of neuropsychiatric methods, including pharmacology, sleep therapy, and other intensive treatment programs during hospitalization. Similar trends operate in the eastern European countries, such as in the Czech Republic, where the first independent medical department of logopedics and phoniatrics was… Read More