Electromagnetic radiation - Gamma Rays, Photons, Wavelengths | Britannica (original) (raw)
Six years after the discovery of radioactivity (1896) by Henri Becquerel of France, the New Zealand-born British physicist Ernest Rutherford found that three different kinds of radiation are emitted in the decay of radioactive substances; these he called alpha, beta, and gamma rays in sequence of their ability to penetrate matter. The alpha particles were found to be identical with the nuclei of helium atoms, and the beta rays were identified as electrons. In 1912 it was shown that the much more penetrating gamma rays have all the properties of very energetic electromagnetic radiation, or photons. Gamma-ray photons are between 10,000 and 10,000,000 times more energetic than the photons of visible light when they originate from radioactive atomic nuclei. Gamma rays with a million million times higher energy make up a very small part of the cosmic rays that reach Earth from supernovae or from other galaxies. The origin of the most-energetic gamma rays is not yet known.
radioactive decay of sodium-24Decay scheme of a radioactive sodium-24 (24Na) nucleus. With a half-life of 15 hours, it decays by beta decay to an excited magnesium-24 (24Mg) nucleus. Two gamma rays are rapidly emitted, and the excitation energy is carried off, whereby the stable ground state of magnesium-24 is reached.
During radioactive decay, an unstable nucleus usually emits alpha particles, electrons, gamma rays, and neutrinos spontaneously. In nuclear fission, the unstable nucleus breaks into fragments, which are themselves complex nuclei, along with such particles as neutrons and protons. The resultant stable nuclei or nuclear fragments are usually in a highly excited state and then reach their low-energy ground state by emitting one or more gamma rays. Such a decay scheme is shown schematically in Figure 7 for the unstable nucleus sodium-24 (24Na). Much of what is known about the internal structure and energies of nuclei has been obtained from the emission or resonant absorption of gamma rays by nuclei. Absorption of gamma rays by nuclei can cause them to eject neutrons or alpha particles or it can even split a nucleus like a bursting bubble in what is called photodisintegration. A gamma particle hitting a hydrogen nucleus (that is, a proton), for example, produces a positive pi-meson and a neutron or a neutral pi-meson and a proton. Neutral pi-mesons, in turn, have a very brief mean life of 1.8 × 10−16 second and decay into two gamma rays of energy _h_ν ≈ 70 MeV. When an energetic gamma ray _h_ν > 1.02 MeV passes a nucleus, it may disappear while creating an electron–positron pair. Gamma photons interact with matter by discrete elementary processes that include resonant absorption, photodisintegration, ionization, scattering (Compton scattering), or pair production.
Gamma rays are detected by their ability to ionize gas atoms or to create electron–hole pairs in semiconductors or insulators. By counting the rate of charge pulses or voltage pulses or by measuring the scintillation of the light emitted by the subsequently recombining electron–hole pairs, one can determine the number and energy of gamma rays striking an ionization detector or scintillation counter.
Both the specific energy of the gamma-ray photon emitted as well as the half-life of the specific radioactive decay process that yields the photon identify the type of nuclei at hand and their concentrations. By bombarding stable nuclei with neutrons, one can artificially convert more than 70 different stable nuclei into radioactive nuclei and use their characteristic gamma emission for purposes of identification, for impurity analysis of metallurgical specimens (neutron-activation analysis), or as radioactive tracers with which to determine the functions or malfunctions of human organs, to follow the life cycles of organisms, or to determine the effects of chemicals on biological systems and plants.
The great penetrating power of gamma rays stems from the fact that they have no electric charge and thus do not interact with matter as strongly as do charged particles. Because of their penetrating power gamma rays can be used for radiographing holes and defects in metal castings and other structural parts. At the same time, this property makes gamma rays extremely hazardous. The lethal effect of this form of ionizing radiation makes it useful for sterilizing medical supplies that cannot be sanitized by boiling or for killing organisms that cause food spoilage. More than 50 percent of the ionizing radiation to which humans are exposed comes from natural radon gas, which is an end product of the radioactive decay chain of natural radioactive substances in minerals. Radon escapes from the ground and enters the environment in varying amounts.
Historical survey
Development of the classical radiation theory
The classical electromagnetic radiation theory “remains for all time one of the greatest triumphs of human intellectual endeavor.” So said Max Planck in 1931, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell, the prime originator of this theory. The theory was indeed of great significance, for it not only united the phenomena of electricity, magnetism, and light in a unified framework but also was a fundamental revision of the then-accepted Newtonian way of thinking about the forces in the physical universe. The development of the classical radiation theory constituted a conceptual revolution that lasted for nearly half a century. It began with the seminal work of the British physicist and chemist Michael Faraday, who published his article “Thoughts on Ray Vibrations” in Philosophical Magazine in May 1846, and came to fruition in 1888 when Hertz succeeded in generating electromagnetic waves at radio and microwave frequencies and measuring their properties.
Wave theory and corpuscular theory
The Newtonian view of the universe may be described as a mechanistic interpretation. All components of the universe, small or large, obey the laws of mechanics, and all phenomena are in the last analysis based on matter in motion. A conceptual difficulty in Newtonian mechanics, however, is the way in which the gravitational force between two massive objects acts over a distance across empty space. Newton did not address this question, but many of his contemporaries hypothesized that the gravitational force was mediated through an invisible and frictionless medium which Aristotle had called the ether (or aether). The problem is that everyday experience of natural phenomena shows mechanical things to be moved by forces which make contact. Any cause and effect without a discernible contact, or “action at a distance,” contradicts common sense and has been an unacceptable notion since antiquity. Whenever the nature of the transmission of certain actions and effects over a distance was not yet understood, the ether was resorted to as a conceptual solution of the transmitting medium. By necessity, any description of how the ether functioned remained vague, but its existence was required by common sense and thus not questioned.
In Newton’s day, light was one phenomenon, besides gravitation, whose effects were apparent at large distances from its source. Newton contributed greatly to the scientific knowledge of light. His experiments revealed that white light is a composite of many colours, which can be dispersed by a prism and reunited to again yield white light. The propagation of light along straight lines convinced him that it consists of tiny particles which emanate at high or infinite speed from the light source. The first observation from which a finite speed of light was deduced was made soon thereafter, in 1676, by the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer (see below Speed of light).
Observations of two phenomena strongly suggested that light propagates as waves. One of these involved interference by thin films, which was discovered in England independently by Robert Boyle and Robert Hooke. The other had to do with the diffraction of light in the geometric shadow of an opaque screen. The latter was also discovered by Hooke, who published a wave theory of light in 1665 to explain it.
The Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens greatly improved the wave theory and explained reflection and refraction in terms of what is now called Huygens’ principle. According to this principle (published in 1690), each point on a wave front in the hypothetical ether or in an optical medium is a source of a new spherical light wave and the wave front is the envelope of all the individual wavelets that originate from the old wave front.
In 1669 another Danish scientist, Erasmus Bartholin, discovered the polarization of light by double refraction in Iceland spar (calcite). This finding had a profound effect on the conception of the nature of light. At that time, the only waves known were those of sound, which are longitudinal. It was inconceivable to both Newton and Huygens that light could consist of transverse waves in which vibrations are perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Huygens gave a satisfactory account of double refraction by proposing that the asymmetry of the structure of Iceland spar causes the secondary wavelets to be ellipsoidal instead of spherical in his wave front construction. Since Huygens believed in longitudinal waves, he failed, however, to understand the phenomena associated with polarized light. Newton, on the other hand, used these phenomena as the bases for an additional argument for his corpuscular theory of light. Particles, he argued in 1717, have “sides” and can thus exhibit properties that depend on the directions perpendicular to the direction of motion.
It may be surprising that Huygens did not make use of the phenomenon of interference to support his wave theory; but for him waves were actually pulses instead of periodic waves with a certain wavelength. One should bear in mind that the word wave may have a very different conceptual meaning and convey different images at various times to different people.
It took nearly a century before a new wave theory was formulated by the physicists Thomas Young of England and Augustin-Jean Fresnel of France. Based on his experiments on interference, Young realized for the first time that light is a transverse wave. Fresnel then succeeded in explaining all optical phenomena known at the beginning of the 19th century with a new wave theory. No proponents of the corpuscular light theory remained. Nonetheless, it is always satisfying when a competing theory is discarded on grounds that one of its principal predictions is contradicted by experiment. The corpuscular theory explained the refraction of light passing from a medium of given density to a denser one in terms of the attraction of light particles into the latter. This means the light velocity should be larger in the denser medium. Huygens’ construction of wave fronts waving across the boundary between two optical media predicted the opposite—that is to say, a smaller light velocity in the denser medium. The measurement of the light velocity in air and water by Armand-Hippolyte-Louis Fizeau and independently by Léon Foucault during the mid-19th century decided the case in favour of the wave theory (see below Speed of light).
The transverse wave nature of light implied that the ether must be a solid elastic medium. The larger velocity of light suggested, moreover, a great elastic stiffness of this medium. Yet, it was recognized that all celestial bodies move through the ether without encountering such difficulties as friction. These conceptual problems remained unsolved until the beginning of the 20th century.