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Know the investigations of researchers using genomic information to reconstruct the cause and transmission routes of the bubonic plague and the Black DeathResearchers using genomic information to trace the transmission routes in past epidemics of plague.

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epidemiology, branch of medical science that studies the distribution of disease in human populations and the factors determining that distribution, chiefly by the use of statistics. Unlike other medical disciplines, epidemiology concerns itself with groups of people rather than individual patients and is frequently retrospective, or historical, in nature. It developed out of the search for causes of human disease in the 19th century, and one of its chief functions remains the identification of populations at high risk for a given disease so that the cause may be identified and preventive measures implemented.

A variety of tools, including mortality rates and incidence and prevalence rates, are used in the field of epidemiology to better understand the characteristics of disease within and across populations. In addition, epidemiologic studies may be classified as descriptive or analytic, depending on whether they are intended to characterize disease or test conclusions drawn from descriptive surveys or laboratory observations. Information from epidemiologic studies frequently is used to plan new health services and to evaluate the overall health status of a given population. In most countries of the world, public-health authorities regularly gather epidemiologic data on specific diseases and mortality rates in their populaces.

The field of epidemiology is highly interdisciplinary. In addition to its close ties to statistics, particularly biostatistics, it relies heavily on the concepts, knowledge, and theories of such disciplines as biology, pathology, and physiology in the health and biomedical sciences as well as on the disciplines of anthropology, psychology, and sociology in the behavioral and social sciences.

Historical development

Epidemiology emerged as a formal science in the 19th century. However, its historical development spanned centuries, in a process that was slow and unsteady and aided by the contributions of many individuals.

One of the first major figures in the historical development of epidemiology was the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who is traditionally regarded as the father of medicine. Hippocrates is presumed to have written the Epidemics and On Airs, Waters, and Places, works in which he attempted to explain the occurrence of disease on a rational rather than supernatural basis. Hippocrates recognized disease as a mass phenomenon as well as one affecting individuals.

Another significant contribution to the foundation of epidemiology was made in the 17th century, with the work of English statistician John Graunt. Graunt was the first person to analyze the bills of mortality, which recorded the weekly counts of christenings and deaths in London. In 1662 Graunt published the results of his findings in Natural and Political Observations...Made upon the Bills of Mortality. He found that although male births consistently outnumbered female births, males no longer outnumbered females by the time they reached their childbearing ages. The transition occurred because males experienced higher mortality rates than females. Graunt also constructed the first life table, a statistical table that uses death rates of a cohort (group) of persons to determine the group’s average life expectancy.

In the 18th century British naval surgeon James Lind, through his studies of scurvy, added to the foundations of epidemiology. On long naval voyages, scurvy could kill a significant proportion of a ship’s crew. To study the prevention of scurvy, Lind conducted the first modern controlled clinical trial. Selecting 12 sailors who were ill with scurvy, Lind divided them into pairs, each pair receiving a different dietary supplement. One of the pairs was given lemons and oranges to eat, and within a week the two sailors’ symptoms had disappeared. The symptoms of the sailors on the other dietary regimens, however, persisted. Lind’s findings ultimately influenced the decision by the British navy to make lemon juice (later replaced by lime juice) a compulsory part of sailors’ diets, which resulted in the eradication of scurvy from the British navy.

Also in the 18th century surgeon Edward Jenner, who practiced medicine in the village of Berkeley in Gloucestershire, England, observed that persons who developed cowpox (a mild disease) never contracted smallpox, a severe and often disfiguring and deadly disease. Jenner decided to test his observation by using matter drawn from cowpox lesions on the hand of a dairymaid to inoculate a young boy against smallpox. When Jenner later exposed the boy to smallpox, the boy did not develop the disease. In that way Jenner performed what later became one of the most widely known vaccination trials for smallpox. In time the practice of vaccinating for the prevention of smallpox became widespread, and vaccination in general became a widely used method to prevent the occurrence of many diseases. Vaccination against smallpox was notably successful; by 1980 the disease had been declared eradicated.

Jenner’s contributions to epidemiology were followed in the 19th century by those of William Farr, a British physician who worked as a compiler of abstracts at the Registrar General’s Office (General Register Office) in London. Farr’s work helped shape England’s vital statistics system. His most-important contribution to epidemiology was the establishment of a sophisticated system for classifying the causes of death. That enabled the comparison, for the first time, of mortality rates between different demographic and occupational groups. Farr’s classification system provided the foundation for the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), a tool used to classify causes of death and injury.

A great pioneer in the field of epidemiology was English physician John Snow. Snow was well respected in London as a specialist in obstetric anesthesiology, having assisted Queen Victoria in the delivery of two of her children. Similar to other British physicians at the time, Snow became interested in the cause and spread of cholera epidemics that periodically occurred in London. In 1854, during the third epidemic to strike the city, Snow began his investigations. At the time, most physicians attributed the disease to miasma, or bad air, formed from the decay of organic matter. Snow, however, held the radical view at the time that cholera was caused by contact with germ-contaminated matter, particularly water. Snow identified a large number of deaths clustered around a public water hand pump on Broad Street in the Soho District of west London. He informed the local authorities and explained his hunch as to the cause. Although the authorities were skeptical, the next day they had the pump disabled by removing its handle. Almost immediately, new cases of cholera started to dwindle. However, because cholera deaths were already declining in the city, Snow was unable to attribute the end of the outbreak directly to the removal of the pump handle.

Snow continued his investigations, however, and in 1854 he also conducted his so-called “Grand Experiment.” Snow painstakingly documented cholera deaths among the subscribers of London’s two independent private water companies. The Southwark and Vauxhall Company drew its water from sewage-polluted inlets of the River Thames in London, whereas the Lambeth Company obtained its water from the upper portion of the river, some distance from urban pollution. Snow showed that cholera deaths were higher for residents in homes served by the Southwark and Vauxhall Company than for residents in locations served by the Lambeth Company. Because of his study methods and insight, Snow is generally regarded as the father of modern epidemiology.