In thyroid gland: Anatomy of the thyroid gland …many small globular sacs called follicles. The follicles are lined with follicular cells and are filled with a fluid known as colloid that contains the prohormone thyroglobulin. The follicular cells contain the enzymes needed to synthesize thyroglobulin, as well as the enzymes needed to release thyroid Read More
ovary and ovulation
In ovary: Follicular development ) The follicles, which are hollow balls of cells, contain immature eggs and are present in the ovaries at birth; there are usually 150,000 to 500,000 follicles at that time. By the beginning of a woman’s reproductive life, the number of immature follicles has… Read More
In ovulation …of cells known as the follicle. The follicular wall serves as a protective casing around the egg and also provides a suitable environment for egg development. As the follicle ripens, the cell wall thickens and a fluid is secreted to surround the egg. The follicle migrates from within the ovary’s… Read More
In ovum …hollow ball of cells, the follicle, encompasses each ovum. Within the follicle the ovum gradually matures (see oogenesis). It takes about four months for a follicle to develop once it is activated. Some follicles lie dormant for 40 years before they mature; others degenerate and never develop. During child-bearing years,… Read More
In pregnancy: Ovaries These changes centre about a follicle, or “egg sac.” A new follicle develops after each menstrual period, casts off an egg (ovulation), and, after ovulation, forms a new structure (the corpus luteum). Read More