Genomics | Description, Sequencing, Applications, & Facts | Britannica (original) (raw)

genomics, one of several omic branches of biological study, concentrates on the structure, function, and inheritance of an organism’s genome (its entire set of genetic material) . heredityprotein

A major part of genomics is determining the sequence of molecules that make up the genomic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) content of an organism. The genomic DNA sequence is contained within an organism’s chromosomes, one or more sets of which are found in each cell of an organism. The chromosomes can be further described as containing the fundamental units of heredity, the genes. Genes are transcriptional units, those regions of chromosomes that under appropriate circumstances are capable of producing a ribonucleic acid (RNA) transcript that can be translated into molecules of protein.

meiosisDuring meiosis, an event known as chromosomal crossing over sometimes occurs as a part of recombination. In this process, a region of one chromosome is exchanged for a region of another chromosome, thereby producing unique chromosomal combinations that further divide into haploid daughter cells.

Every organism contains a basic set of chromosomes, unique in number and size for every species, that includes the complete set of genes plus any DNA between them. While the term genome was not brought into use until 1920, the existence of genomes has been known since the late 19th century, when chromosomes were first observed as stained bodies visible under the microscope. The initial discovery of chromosomes was then followed in the 20th century by the mapping of genes on chromosomes based on the frequency of exchange of parts of chromosomes by a process called chromosomal crossing over, an event that occurs as a part of the normal process of recombination and the production of sex cells (gametes) during meiosis. The genes that could be mapped by chromosomal crossing over were mainly those for which mutant phenotypes (visible manifestations of an organism’s genetic composition) had been observed, only a small proportion of the total genes in the genome. The discipline of genomics arose when the technology became available to deduce the complete nucleotide sequence of genomes, sequences generally in the range of billions of nucleotide pairs.

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Sequencing and bioinformatic analysis of genomes

Genomic sequences are usually determined using automatic sequencing machines. In a typical experiment to determine a genomic sequence, genomic DNA first is extracted from a sample of cells of an organism and then is broken into many random fragments. These fragments are cloned in a DNA vector (carrier) that is capable of carrying large DNA inserts. Because the total amount of DNA that is required for sequencing and additional experimental analysis is several times the total amount of DNA in an organism’s genome, each of the cloned fragments is amplified individually by replication inside a living bacterial cell, which reproduces rapidly and in great quantity to generate many bacterial clones. The cloned DNA is then extracted from the bacterial clones and is fed into the sequencing machine. The resulting sequence data are stored in a computer. When a large enough number of sequences from many different clones is obtained, the computer ties them together using sequence overlaps. The result is the genomic sequence, which is then deposited in a publicly accessible database. (For more information about DNA cloning and sequencing, see the article recombinant DNA technology.)

A complete genomic sequence in itself is of limited use; the data must be processed to find the genes and, if possible, their associated regulatory sequences. The need for these detailed analyses has given rise to the field of bioinformatics, in which computer programs scan DNA sequences looking for genes, using algorithms based on the known features of genes, such as unique triplet sequences of nucleotides known as start and stop codons that span a gene-sized segment of DNA or sequences of DNA that are known to be important in regulating adjacent genes. Once candidate genes are identified, they must be annotated to ascribe potential functions. Such annotation is generally based on known functions of similar gene sequences in other organisms, a type of analysis made possible by evolutionary conservation of gene sequence and function across organisms as a result of their common ancestry. However, after annotation there is still a subset of genes for which functions cannot be deduced; these functions gradually become revealed with further research.

Functional genomics

Know how genomic study of the Australian sheep blowfly can help researchers devise protection against this pestLearn how genomics can be applied to the control of insect pests, as in the production of a draft genome of the Australian sheep blow fly (Lucilia cuprina).

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Analysis of genes at the functional level is one of the main uses of genomics, an area known generally as functional genomics. Determining the function of individual genes can be done in several ways. Classical, or forward, genetic methodology starts with a randomly obtained mutant of interesting phenotype and uses this to find the normal gene sequence and its function. Reverse genetics starts with the normal gene sequence (as obtained by genomics), induces a targeted mutation into the gene, then, by observing how the mutation changes phenotype, deduces the normal function of the gene. The two approaches, forward and reverse, are complementary. Often a gene identified by forward genetics has been mapped to one specific chromosomal region, and the full genomic sequence reveals a gene in this position with an already annotated function. (For more information about genetic studies, see genetics: Methods in genetics.)

Gene identification by microarray genomic analysis

MicroarrayA researcher observes fluorescent samples of DNA following microarray analysis.

Genomics has greatly simplified the process of finding the complete subset of genes that is relevant to some specific temporal or developmental event of an organism. For example, microarray technology allows a sample of the DNA of a clone of each gene in a whole genome to be laid out in order on the surface of a special chip, which is basically a small thin piece of glass that is treated in such a way that DNA molecules firmly stick to the surface. For any specific developmental stage of interest (e.g., the growth of root hairs in a plant or the production of a limb bud in an animal), the total RNA is extracted from cells of the organism, labeled with a fluorescent dye, and used to bathe the surfaces of the microarrays. As a result of specific base pairing, the RNAs present bind to the genes from which they were originally transcribed and produce fluorescent spots on the chip’s surface. Hence, the total set of genes that were transcribed during the biological function of interest can be determined. Note that forward genetics can aim at a similar goal of assembling the subset of genes that pertain to some specific biological process. The forward genetic approach is to first induce a large set of mutations with phenotypes that appear to change the process in question, followed by attempts to define the genes that normally guide the process. However, the technique can only identify genes for which mutations produce an easily recognizable mutant phenotype, and so genes with subtle effects are often missed.

Comparative genomics

A further application of genomics is in the study of evolutionary relationships. Using classical genetics, evolutionary relationships can be studied by comparing the chromosome size, number, and banding patterns between populations, species, and genera. However, if full genomic sequences are available, comparative genomics brings to bear a resolving power that is much greater than that of classical genetics methods and allows much more subtle differences to be detected. This is because comparative genomics allows the DNAs of organisms to be compared directly and on a small scale. Overall, comparative genomics has shown high levels of similarity between closely related animals, such as humans and chimpanzees, and, more surprisingly, similarity between seemingly distantly related animals, such as humans and insects. Comparative genomics applied to distinct populations of humans has shown that the human species is a genetic continuum, and the differences between populations are restricted to a very small subset of genes that affect superficial appearance such as skin colour. Furthermore, because DNA sequence can be measured mathematically, genomic analysis can be quantified in a very precise way to measure specific degrees of relatedness. Genomics has detected small-scale changes, such as the existence of surprisingly high levels of gene duplication and mobile elements within genomes.

Anthony J.F. Griffiths