In gravel …gravel range in size from pebbles (4–64 mm [0.16–2.52 inches] in diameter), through cobbles (64–256 mm [2.52–10.08 inches]), to boulders (larger than 256 mm). The rounding of gravel results from abrasion in the course of transport by streams or from milling by the sea. Gravel deposits accumulate in parts of… Read More
formation of sand dunes
In sand dune: Sands …than sands, such as small pebbles, only form dunelike features when there are strong and persistent winds, as in coastal Peru, and these coarse-grained features are generally known as granule ripples rather than dunes. Larger particles, such as small boulders, can be moved by the wind only on slippery surfaces… Read More
part of desert pavement
In desert pavement …other salts that cement the pebbles together to form a desert conglomerate. The pebbles often are so packed and smooth that no more wind deflation can occur; in the Sahara such areas are generally followed by caravan routes. A similar area is the hammada, in which wind has removed most… Read More