Physical science - Ancient Astronomy, Middle East, Greece (original) (raw)

Western astronomy had its origins in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Egyptian astronomy, which was neither a very well-developed nor an influential study, was largely concerned with time reckoning. Its main lasting contribution was the civil calendar of 365 days, consisting of 12 months of 30 days each and five additional festival days at the end of each year. This calendar played an important role in the history of astronomy, allowing astronomers to calculate the number of days between any two sets of observations.

Babylonian astronomy, dating back to about 1800 bce, constitutes one of the earliest systematic, scientific treatments of the physical world. In contrast to the Egyptians, the Babylonians were interested in the accurate prediction of astronomical phenomena, especially the first appearance of the new Moon. Using the zodiac as a reference, by the 4th century bce, they developed a complex system of arithmetic progressions and methods of approximation by which they were able to predict first appearances. The mass of observations they collected and their mathematical methods were important contributions to the later flowering of astronomy among the Greeks.

The Pythagoreans (5th century bce) were responsible for one of the first Greek astronomical theories. Believing that the order of the cosmos is fundamentally mathematical, they held that it is possible to discover the harmonies of the universe by contemplating the regular motions of the heavens. Postulating a central fire about which all the heavenly bodies including Earth and the Sun revolve, they constructed the first physical model of the solar system. Subsequent Greek astronomy derived its character from a comment ascribed to Plato, in the 4th century bce, who is reported to have instructed the astronomers to “save the phenomena” in terms of uniform circular motion. That is to say, he urged them to develop predictively accurate theories using only combinations of uniform circular motion. As a result, Greek astronomers never regarded their geometric models as true or as being physical descriptions of the machinery of the heavens. They regarded them simply as tools for predicting planetary positions.

Learn about solar-system theories by Aristotle, Ptolemy, Nicolaus Copernicus, and Johannes KeplerDiscussion of four attempts to explain the structure of the solar system, from Aristotle to Johannes Kepler.

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Eudoxus of Cnidus (4th century bce) was the first of the Greek astronomers to rise to Plato’s challenge. He developed a theory of homocentric spheres, a model that represented the universe by sets of nesting concentric spheres the motions of which combined to produce the planetary and other celestial motions. Using only uniform circular motions, Eudoxus was able to “save” the rather complex planetary motions with some success. His theory required four homocentric spheres for each planet and three each for the Sun and Moon. The system was modified by Callippus, a student of Eudoxus, who added spheres to improve the theory, especially for Mercury and Venus. Aristotle, in formulating his cosmology, adopted Eudoxus’s homocentric spheres as the actual machinery of the heavens. The Aristotelian cosmos was like an onion consisting of a series of some 55 spheres nested about Earth, which was fixed at the centre. In order to unify the system, Aristotle added spheres in order to “unroll” the motions of a given planet so that they would not be transmitted to the next inner planet.

The theory of homocentric spheres failed to account for two sets of observations: (1) brightness changes suggesting that planets are not always the same distance from Earth, and (2) bounded elongations (i.e., Venus is never observed to be more than about 48° and Mercury never more than about 24° from the Sun). Heracleides of Pontus (4th century bce) attempted to solve these problems by having Venus and Mercury revolve about the Sun, rather than Earth, and having the Sun and other planets revolve in turn about Earth, which he placed at the centre. In addition, to account for the daily motions of the heavens, he held that Earth rotates on its axis. Heracleides’ theory had little impact in antiquity except perhaps on Aristarchus of Samos (3rd century bce), who apparently put forth a heliocentric hypothesis similar to the one Copernicus was to propound in the 16th century.

Hipparchus (flourished 130 bce) made extensive contributions to both theoretical and observational astronomy. Basing his theories on an impressive mass of observations, he was able to work out theories of the Sun and Moon that were more successful than those of any of his predecessors. His primary conceptual tool was the eccentric circle, a circle in which Earth is at some point eccentric to the geometric centre. He used this device to account for various irregularities and inequalities observed in the motions of the Sun and Moon. He also proved that the eccentric circle is mathematically equivalent to a geometric figure called an epicycle-deferent system, a proof probably first made by Apollonius of Perga a century earlier.

Among Hipparchus’s observations, one of the most significant was that of the precession of the equinoxes—i.e., a gradual apparent increase in longitude between any fixed star and the equinoctial point (either of two points on the celestial sphere where the celestial equator crosses the ecliptic). Thus, the north celestial pole, the point on the celestial sphere defined as the apparent centre of rotation of the stars, moves relative to the stars in its vicinity. In the heliocentric theory, this effect is ascribed to a change in Earth’s rotational axis, which traces out a conical path around the axis of the orbital plane.

Ptolemaic systemIn Ptolemy's geocentric model of the universe, the Sun, the Moon, and each planet orbit a stationary Earth. For the Greeks, heavenly bodies must move in the most perfect possible fashion—hence, in perfect circles. In order to retain such motion and still explain the erratic apparent paths of the bodies, Ptolemy shifted the centre of each body's orbit (deferent) from Earth—accounting for the body's apogee and perigee—and added a second orbital motion (epicycle) to explain retrograde motion. The equant is the point from which each body sweeps out equal angles along the deferent in equal times. The centre of the deferent is midway between the equant and Earth.

Ptolemy (flourished 140 ce) applied the theory of epicycles to compile a systematic account of Greek astronomy. He elaborated theories for each of the planets, as well as for the Sun and Moon. His theory generally fitted the data available to him with a good degree of accuracy, and his book, the Almagest, became the vehicle by which Greek astronomy was transmitted to astronomers of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. It essentially molded astronomy for the next millennium and a half.

Greek physics

EpicurusEpicurus, bronze bust from a Greek original, c. 280–270 bce; in the Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples.

Several kinds of physical theories emerged in ancient Greece, including both generalized hypotheses about the ultimate structure of nature and more specific theories that considered the problem of motion from both metaphysical and mathematical points of view. Attempting to reconcile the antithesis between the underlying unity and apparent multitude and diversity of nature, the Greek atomists Leucippus (mid-5th century bce), Democritus (late 5th century bce), and Epicurus (late 4th and early 3rd century bce) asserted that nature consists of immutable atoms moving in empty space. According to this theory, the various motions and configurations of atoms and clusters of atoms are the causes of all the phenomena of nature.

In contrast to the particulate universe of the atomists, the Stoics (principally Zeno of Citium, bridging 4th and 3rd centuries bce, Chrysippus [3rd century bce], and Poseidonius of Apamea [flourished c. 100 bce]) insisted on the continuity of nature, conceiving of both space and matter as continuous and as infused with an active, airlike spirit—pneuma—which serves to unify the frame of nature. The inspiration for the Stoic emphasis on pneumatic processes probably arose from earlier experiences with the “spring” (i.e., compressibility and pressure) of the air. Neither the atomic theory nor Stoic physics survived the criticism of Aristotle and his theory.

In his physics, Aristotle was primarily concerned with the philosophical question of the nature of motion as one variety of change. He assumed that a constant motion requires a constant cause; that is to say, as long as a body remains in motion, a force must be acting on that body. He considered the motion of a body through a resisting medium as proportional to the force producing the motion and inversely proportional to the resistance of the medium. Aristotle used this relationship to argue against the possibility of the existence of a void, for in a void resistance is zero, and the relationship loses meaning. He considered the cosmos to be divided into two qualitatively different realms, governed by two different kinds of laws. In the terrestrial realm, within the sphere of the Moon, rectilinear up-and-down motion is characteristic. Heavy bodies, by their nature, seek the centre and tend to move downward in a natural motion. It is unnatural for a heavy body to move up, and such unnatural or violent motion requires an external cause. Light bodies, in direct contrast, move naturally upward. In the celestial realm, uniform circular motion is natural, thus producing the motions of the heavenly bodies.

Archimedes' principle of buoyancyArchimedes' principle of buoyancy. Here a 5-kg object immersed in water is shown being acted upon by a buoyant (upward) force of 2 kg, which is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the immersed object. The buoyant force reduces the object's apparent weight by 2 kg—that is, from 5 kg to 3 kg.

Archimedes (3rd century bce) fundamentally applied mathematics to the solution of physical problems and brilliantly employed physical assumptions and insights leading to mathematical demonstrations, particularly in problems of statics and hydrostatics. He was thus able to derive the law of the lever rigorously and to deal with problems of the equilibrium of floating bodies.