Plate tectonics - Continental Drift, Subduction, Earthquakes | Britannica (original) (raw)

Determination of plate thickness

After marine magnetic anomalies were explained, the cumulative evidence caused the concept of seafloor spreading to be widely accepted. However, the process responsible for continental drift remained enigmatic. Two important concerns remained. The spreading seafloor was generally seen as a thin-skin process, most likely having its base at the Moho—that is, the boundary between the crust and mantle. If only oceanic crust was involved in seafloor spreading, as seemed to be the case in the Pacific Ocean, the thinness of the slab was not disturbing, even though the ever-increasing number of known fracture zones with their close spacing implied oddly narrow but very long convection cells. More troubling was the fact that the Atlantic Ocean had a well-developed oceanic ridge but lacked trenches adequate to dispose of the excess oceanic crust. This implied that the adjacent continents needed to travel with the spreading seafloor, a process that, given the thin but clearly undeformed slab, strained credulity.

Working independently but along very similar lines, Dan P. McKenzie and Robert L. Parker of Britain and W. Jason Morgan of the United States resolved these issues. McKenzie and Parker showed with a geometric analysis that, if the moving slabs of crust were thick enough to be regarded as rigid and thus to remain undeformed, their motions on a sphere would lead precisely to those divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries that are indeed observed. Morgan demonstrated that the directions and rates of movement had been faithfully recorded by magnetic anomaly patterns and transform faults. He also proposed that the plates extended approximately 100 km (60 miles) to the base of a rigid lithosphere, which coincided with the top of the weaker asthenosphere. Seismologists had previously identified this boundary, which is marked by strong attenuation of earthquake waves, as a fundamental division in Earth’s upper layers. Therefore, according to Morgan, this was the boundary above which the plates moved.

In 1968 a computer analysis by the French geophysicist Xavier Le Pichon proved that the plates did indeed form an integrated system where the sum of all crust generated at oceanic ridges is balanced by the cumulative amount destroyed in all subduction zones. That same year the American geophysicists Bryan Isacks, Jack Oliver, and Lynn R. Sykes showed that the theory, which they enthusiastically labeled the “new global tectonics,” could account for the larger part of Earth’s seismic activity. Almost immediately, others began to consider seriously the ability of the theory to explain mountain building and sea-level changes.

Plate-driving mechanisms and the role of the mantle

By the late 1960s, details of the processes of plate movement and of boundary interactions, along with much of the plate history of the Cenozoic Era (the past 66 million years), had been worked out. Yet the driving forces that bedeviled Wegener continue to remain enigmatic because there is little information about what happens beneath the plates.

Mantle convection

slab pull processThe weight of the subducted slab may drag the rest of the tectonic plate toward the trench, a process known as slab pull, much as a tablecloth will pull itself off a table if more than half of the cloth is draped over the table's edge.

Most agree that plate movement is the result of the convective circulation of Earth’s heated interior, much as envisaged by Arthur Holmes in 1929. The heat source for convection is thought to be the decay of radioactive elements in the mantle. How this convection propels the plates is poorly understood. In the western Pacific Ocean the subduction of old dense oceanic crust may be self-propelled. The weight of the subducted slab may drag the rest of the plate toward the trench, a process known as slab pull, much as a tablecloth will pull itself off a table if more than half of the cloth is draped over the table’s edge.

Some geologists argue that the westward drift of North America and eastward drift of Europe and Africa may be due to push at the spreading ridge (the Mid-Atlantic Ridge), known as ridge push, in the Atlantic Ocean. This push is caused by gravitational force, and it exists because the ridge occurs at a higher elevation than the rest of the ocean floor. As rocks near the ridge cool, they become denser, and gravity pulls them away from the ridge. As a result, new magma is allowed to well upward from the underlying hot mantle.

Hot mantle that spreads out laterally beneath the ridges or at hotspots may speed up or slow down the plates, a force known as mantle drag. However, the mantle flow pattern at depth does not appear to be reflected in the surface movements of the plates.

The relationship between the circulation within Earth’s mantle and the movement of the lithospheric plates remains a first-order problem in the understanding of plate-driving mechanisms. Circulation in the mantle occurs by thermal convection, whereby warm buoyant material rises and cool dense material sinks. Convection is possible even though the mantle is solid; it occurs by solid-state creep, analogous to the slow downhill movement of valley glaciers. Materials can flow in this fashion if they are close to their melting temperatures. Several different models of mantle convection have been proposed. The simplest, called whole mantle convection, describes the presence of several large cells that rise from the core-mantle boundary beneath oceanic ridges and begin their descent to that boundary at subduction zones. Some geophysicists argue for layered mantle convection, suggesting that more vigorous convection in the upper mantle is decoupled from that in the lower mantle. This model requires that the boundary between the upper and lower mantle is coincident with a change in composition. A third model, known as the mantle plume model, suggests that upwelling is focused in plumes that ascend from the core-mantle boundary, whereas diffuse return flow is accomplished by subduction zones, which, according to this model, extend to the core-mantle boundary.