Rock - Magnetic, Anisotropy, Remanence | Britannica (original) (raw)
There are six basic types of magnetization: (1) diamagnetism, (2) paramagnetism, (3) ferromagnetism, (4) antiferromagnetism, (5) ferrimagnetism, and (6) superparamagnetism.
Diamagnetism arises from the orbiting electrons surrounding each atomic nucleus. When an external magnetic field is applied, the orbits are shifted in such a way that the atoms set up their own magnetic field in opposition to the applied field. In other words, the induced diamagnetic field opposes the external field. Diamagnetism is present in all materials, is weak, and exists only in the presence of an applied field. The propensity of a substance for being magnetized in an external field is called its susceptibility (k) and it is defined as J/H, where J is the magnetization (intensity) per unit volume and H is the strength of the applied field. Since the induced field always opposes the applied field, the sign of diamagnetic susceptibility is negative. The susceptibility of a diamagnetic substance is on the order of -10-6 electromagnetic units per cubic centimetre (emu/cm3). It is sometimes denoted κ for susceptibility per unit mass of material.
Paramagnetism results from the electron spin of unpaired electrons. An electron has a magnetic dipole moment—which is to say that it behaves like a tiny bar magnet—and so when a group of electrons is placed in a magnetic field, the dipole moments tend to line up with the field. The effect augments the net magnetization in the direction of the applied field. Like diamagnetism, paramagnetism is weak and exists only in the presence of an applied field, but since the effect enhances the applied field, the sign of the paramagnetic susceptibility is always positive. The susceptibility of a paramagnetic substance is on the order of 10-4 to 10-6 emu/cm3.
Ferromagnetism also exists because of the magnetic properties of the electron. Unlike paramagnetism, however, ferromagnetism can occur even if no external field is applied. The magnetic dipole moments of the atoms spontaneously line up with one another because it is energetically favourable for them to do so. A remanent magnetization can be retained. Complete alignment of the dipole moments would take place only at a temperature of absolute zero (0 kelvin [K], or -273.15° C). Above absolute zero, thermal motions begin to disorder the magnetic moments. At a temperature called the Curie temperature, which varies from material to material, the thermally induced disorder overcomes the alignment, and the ferromagnetic properties of the substance disappear. The susceptibility of ferromagnetic materials is large and positive. It is on the order of 10 to 104 emu/cm3. Only a few materials—iron, cobalt, and nickel—are ferromagnetic in the strict sense of the word and have a strong residual magnetization. In general usage, particularly in engineering, the term ferromagnetic is frequently applied to any material that is appreciably magnetic.
Antiferromagnetism occurs when the dipole moments of the atoms in a material assume an antiparallel arrangement in the absence of an applied field. The result is that the sample has no net magnetization. The strength of the susceptibility is comparable to that of paramagnetic materials. Above a temperature called the Néel temperature, thermal motions destroy the antiparallel arrangement, and the material then becomes paramagnetic. Spin-canted (anti)ferromagnetism is a special condition which occurs when antiparallel magnetic moments are deflected from the antiferromagnetic plane, resulting in a weak net magnetism. Hematite (α-Fe2O3) is such a material.
Ferrimagnetism is an antiparallel alignment of atomic dipole moments which does yield an appreciable net magnetization resulting from unequal moments of the magnetic sublattices. Remanent magnetization is detectable (see below). Above the Curie temperature the substance becomes paramagnetic. Magnetite (Fe3O4), which is the most magnetic common mineral, is a ferrimagnetic substance.
Superparamagnetism occurs in materials having grains so small (about 100 angstroms) that any cooperative alignment of dipole moments is overcome by thermal energy.
Types of remanent magnetization
Rocks and minerals may retain magnetization after the removal of an externally applied field, thereby becoming permanent weak magnets. This property is known as remanent magnetization and is manifested in different forms, depending on the magnetic properties of the rocks and minerals and their geologic origin and history. Delineated below are the kinds of remanent magnetization frequently observed.
CRM (chemical, or crystallization, remanent magnetization) can be induced after a crystal is formed and undergoes one of a number of physicochemical changes, such as oxidation or reduction, a phase change, dehydration, recrystallization, or precipitation of natural cements. The induction, which is particularly important in some (red) sediments and metamorphic rocks, typically takes place at constant temperature in the Earth’s magnetic field.
DRM (depositional, or detrital, remanent magnetization) is formed in clastic sediments when fine particles are deposited on the floor of a body of water. Marine sediments, lake sediments, and some clays can acquire DRM. The Earth’s magnetic field aligns the grains, yielding a preferred direction of magnetization.
IRM (isothermal remanent magnetization) results from the application of a magnetic field at a constant (isothermal) temperature, often room temperature.
NRM (natural remanent magnetization) is the magnetization detected in a geologic in situ condition. The NRM of a substance may, of course, be a combination of any of the other remanent magnetizations described here.
PRM (pressure remanent, or piezoremanent, magnetization) arises when a material undergoes mechanical deformation while in a magnetic field. The process of deformation may result from hydrostatic pressure, shock impact (as produced by a meteorite striking the Earth’s surface), or directed tectonic stress. There are magnetization changes with stress in the elastic range, but the most pronounced effects occur with plastic deformation when the structure of the magnetic minerals is irreversibly changed.
TRM (thermoremanent magnetization) occurs when a substance is cooled, in the presence of a magnetic field, from above its Curie temperature to below that temperature. This form of magnetization is generally the most important, because it is stable and widespread, occurring in igneous and sedimentary rocks. TRM also can occur when dealing exclusively with temperatures below the Curie temperature. In PTRM (partial thermoremanent magnetization) a sample is cooled from a temperature below the Curie point to yet a lower temperature.
VRM (viscous remanent magnetization) results from thermal agitation. It is acquired slowly over time at low temperatures and in the Earth’s magnetic field. The effect is weak and unstable but is present in most rocks.