Soil | Definition, Importance, Types, Erosion, Composition, & Facts (original) (raw)

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What are the grain sizes in soil?

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What are the layers of soil?

soil, the biologically active, porous medium that has developed in the uppermost layer of Earth’s crust. Soil is one of the principal substrata of life on Earth, serving as a reservoir of water and nutrients, as a medium for the filtration and breakdown of injurious wastes, and as a participant in the cycling of carbon and other elements through the global ecosystem. It has evolved through weathering processes driven by biological, climatic, geologic, and topographic influences.

Since the rise of agriculture and forestry in the 8th millennium bce, there has also arisen by necessity a practical awareness of soils and their management. In the 18th and 19th centuries the Industrial Revolution brought increasing pressure on soil to produce raw materials demanded by commerce, while the development of quantitative science offered new opportunities for improved soil management. The study of soil as a separate scientific discipline began about the same time with systematic investigations of substances that enhance plant growth. This initial inquiry has expanded to an understanding of soils as complex, dynamic, biogeochemical systems that are vital to the life cycles of terrestrial vegetation and soil-inhabiting organisms—and by extension to the human race as well.

soil map of the worldInteractive soil map of the world. Click on a continent to see a detailed map of soil regions, with links to articles on specific soils.

This article covers the structure, composition, and classification of soils and how these factors affect soil’s role in the global ecosystem. In addition, the two most important phenomena that degrade soils, erosion and pollution, are discussed. For a cartographic guide to the distribution of the world’s major soils, featuring links to short descriptive entries on each soil type, see the interactive world map.

The soil profile

Soil horizons

Podzol soil profilePodzol soil profile from Ireland, showing a bleached layer from which humus and metal oxides have been leached and subsequently deposited in the typically reddish horizon below.

Soils differ widely in their properties because of geologic and climatic variation over distance and time. Even a simple property, such as the soil thickness, can range from a few centimetres to many metres, depending on the intensity and duration of weathering, episodes of soil deposition and erosion, and the patterns of landscape evolution. Nevertheless, in spite of this variability, soils have a unique structural characteristic that distinguishes them from mere earth materials and serves as a basis for their classification: a vertical sequence of layers produced by the combined actions of percolating waters and living organisms.

soil profileThe soil profile, showing the major layers from the O horizon (organic material) to the R horizon (consolidated rock). A pedon is the smallest unit of land surface that can be used to study the characteristic soil profile of a landscape.

These layers are called horizons, and the full vertical sequence of horizons constitutes the soil profile (see the figure). Soil horizons are defined by features that reflect soil-forming processes. For instance, the uppermost soil layer (not including surface litter) is termed the A horizon. This is a weathered layer that contains an accumulation of humus (decomposed, dark-coloured, carbon-rich matter) and microbial biomass that is mixed with small-grained minerals to form aggregate structures.

Below A lies the B horizon. In mature soils this layer is characterized by an accumulation of clay (small particles less than 0.002 mm [0.00008 inch] in diameter) that has either been deposited out of percolating waters or precipitated by chemical processes involving dissolved products of weathering. Clay endows B horizons with an array of diverse structural features (blocks, columns, and prisms) formed from small clay particles that can be linked together in various configurations as the horizon evolves.

Below the A and B horizons is the C horizon, a zone of little or no humus accumulation or soil structure development. The C horizon often is composed of unconsolidated parent material from which the A and B horizons have formed. It lacks the characteristic features of the A and B horizons and may be either relatively unweathered or deeply weathered. At some depth below the A, B, and C horizons lies consolidated rock, which makes up the R horizon.

These simple letter designations are supplemented in two ways (see the table of soil horizon letter designations). First, two additional horizons are defined. Litter and decomposed organic matter (for example, plant and animal remains) that typically lie exposed on the land surface above the A horizon are given the designation O horizon, whereas the layer immediately below an A horizon that has been extensively leached (that is, slowly washed of certain contents by the action of percolating water) is given the separate designation E horizon, or zone of eluviation (from Latin ex, “out,” and lavere, “to wash”). The development of E horizons is favoured by high rainfall and sandy parent material, two factors that help to ensure extensive water percolation. The solid particles lost through leaching are deposited in the B horizon, which then can be regarded as a zone of illuviation (from Latin il, “in,” and lavere).

Soil horizon letter designations
Base symbols for surface horizons
O organic horizon containing litter and decomposed organic matter
A mineral horizon darkened by humus accumulation
Base symbols for subsurface horizons
E mineral horizon lighter in colour than an A or O horizon and depleted in clay minerals
AB or EB transitional horizon more like A or E than B
BA or BE transitional horizon more like B than A or E
B accumulated clay and humus below the A or E horizon
BC or CB transitional horizon from B to C
C unconsolidated earth material below the A or B horizon
R consolidated rock
Suffixes added for special features of horizons
a highly decomposed organic matter
b buried horizon
c concretions or hard nodules (iron, aluminum, manganese, or titanium)
e organic matter of intermediate decomposition
f frozen soil
g gray colour with strong mottling and poor drainage
h accumulation of organic matter
i slightly decomposed organic matter
k accumulation of carbonate
m cementation or induration
n accumulation of sodium
o accumulation of oxides of iron and aluminum
p plowing or other anthropogenic disturbance
q accumulation of silica
r weathered or soft bedrock
s accumulation of metal oxides and organic matter
t accumulation of clay
v plinthite (hard iron-enriched subsoil material)
w development of colour or structure
x fragipan character (high-density, brittle)
y accumulation of gypsum
z accumulation of salts

The combined A, E, B horizon sequence is called the solum (Latin: “floor”). The solum is the true seat of soil-forming processes and is the principal habitat for soil organisms. (Transitional layers, having intermediate properties, are designated with the two letters of the adjacent horizons.)

The second enhancement to soil horizon nomenclature (also shown in the table) is the use of lowercase suffixes to designate special features that are important to soil development. The most common of these suffixes are applied to B horizons: g to denote mottling caused by waterlogging, h to denote the illuvial accumulation of humus, k to denote carbonate mineral precipitates, o to denote residual metal oxides, s to denote the illuvial accumulation of metal oxides and humus, and t to denote the accumulation of clay.

Pedons and polypedons

Soils are natural elements of weathered landscapes whose properties may vary spatially. For scientific study, however, it is useful to think of soils as unions of modules known as pedons. A pedon is the smallest element of landscape that can be called soil. Its depth limit is the somewhat arbitrary boundary between soil and “not soil” (e.g., bedrock). Its lateral dimensions must be large enough to permit a study of any horizons present—in general, an area from 1 to 10 square metres (10 to 100 square feet), taking into account that a horizon may be variable in thickness or even discontinuous. Wherever horizons are cyclic and recur at intervals of 2 to 7 metres (7 to 23 feet), the pedon includes one-half the cycle. Thus, each pedon includes the range of horizon variability that occurs within small areas. Wherever the cycle is less than 2 metres, or wherever all horizons are continuous and of uniform thickness, the pedon has an area of 1 square metre.

Soils are encountered on the landscape as groups of similar pedons, called polypedons, that contain sufficient area to qualify as a taxonomic unit. Polypedons are bounded from below by “not soil” and laterally by pedons of dissimilar characteristics.