Source rock | petroleum production | Britannica (original) (raw)
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fossil fuels
In petroleum: From kerogen to petroleum: the mature stage …the oil window of a source rock over long periods of time results in the cracking of the kerogen molecules and the release of the attached paraffin chains. Further heating, perhaps assisted by the catalytic effect of clay minerals in the source rock matrix, may then produce soluble bitumen compounds,… Read More
In natural gas: Organic formation process Thus, all source rocks have the potential for gas generation. Many of the source rocks for significant gas deposits appear to be associated with the worldwide occurrence of coal dated to Carboniferous and Early Permian times (roughly 358.9 million to 273 million years ago). Read More
In sedimentary rock: Oil and natural gas …oil are generated from such source rocks only after heating and compaction. Typical petroleum formation (maturation) temperatures do not exceed 100 °C, meaning that the depth of burial of source rocks cannot be greater than a few kilometres. After their formation, oil and natural gas migrate from source rocks to… Read More