Shooting | History of Target Shooting, Guns & Competitive Events (original) (raw)

shooting, the sport of firing at targets of various kinds with rifles, handguns (pistols and revolvers), and shotguns as an exercise in marksmanship.

Early history

Shooting at a mark as a test of skill began with archery, long before the advent of firearms (c. 1300). Firearms were first used in warfare and later in sport shooting (hunting), and because of the shadowy early history of firearms, it is not known when target shooting began. The early history of the sport is largely that of shooting with rifles. The earliest recorded shooting match is one held in Eichstäat, Bavaria, in 1477; the shooters, probably using matchlocks, competed at 200 metres (220 yards).

A Swiss painting from 1504 shows a rifle shooting setup that is quite modern. Contestants fire from enclosed and covered shooting booths at targets in the background. Each target is flanked by a small hut in which a target marker would be concealed during shooting and would later signal by a staff or pole to the shooter and the judges the value of the hit. The judges and scorekeepers are in the right foreground at a table under a roof. Several wind flags are flying, and spectators are shown.

Many German museums have wooden targets dating to 1540 that were made for weddings and were shot at by the guests and then given to the host as a memento. By the 16th century target shooting with rifled arms was a popular pastime in much of Europe, especially in the Germanic countries. Elaborately decorated German wheel locks, presumably intended for target shooting, with rifled bores and quite sophisticated peep or aperture rear sights, appeared late in the 16th century.


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Shooting at a mark was recorded in 1737 when the empress Anna established a target-shooting range at her court. The marks shot at were live birds, and the most proficient marksmen were given gold- and diamond-studded cups. The royal shooting matches became a tradition. In 1806 the Society of Shooting Amateurs, formed in St. Petersburg largely by military officers, had as its chief interest handgun shooting with flintlock pistols. The first shooting range or club was founded, also in St. Petersburg, in 1834 for rifles or handguns, where the public could shoot for a nominal fee. Many more such public shooting grounds had appeared by the 1850s. In the 1890s several shooting societies were formed: the Russian Athletic Society, with a shooting range on club property; the St. Petersburg Club of Sports Amateurs; the St. Petersburg Society of Salon Shooting; and the Riga Shooting Society. In 1897 the Imperial Society of Reglemented Hunting published rules for rifle-shooting competitions, and in the next year held two tournaments with more than 200 shooters in the second. In 1899 the recently formed Southern Russian Shooting Society offered gold and silver award badges in two categories to successful sharpshooters. The first All-Russian Championship shooting competition was held at Kiev in 1913 and a second at Riga in 1914. The success of Soviet marksmen in the Olympic Games and world championships reflected the Russians’ long-held interest in the sport.

The American frontier

Rifle shooting in the North American English colonies was a way of life both on the frontier, as it progressed westward, and in the farming settlements of the Atlantic seaboard, where the rifle was used for protection and hunting as well as for target shooting.

The flintlock Kentucky rifle, produced from about 1750 by American gunsmiths from Germany and Switzerland, provided great accuracy to 180 metres (200 yards), then a long range. Virtually every village and settlement had a shooting match on weekends and holidays, often attracting a hundred or more marksmen. A common target was a piece of board, blackened in the smoke of a fire or charred, on which an X was slashed with a knife, the intersection marking the centre. Shooting at a wooden figure of a bird atop a pole, as crossbowmen had in the Middle Ages, was also popular. Live turkey shooting—the bird tethered behind a box or rock so that only the neck and head showed—was a standard event.

By 1830 shooting clubs were formed both in the heavily populated East and in towns and cities of the Midwest. Target shooting from a bench or rest was established before 1840. In the 1850s a Vermont benchrest shooting club was formed, the National Rifle Club, but regional rather than nationwide, and its members won a high reputation for accuracy with muzzle-loading rifles. In 1871 the National Rifle Association was founded by National Guard officers to improve marksmanship.

Great Britain

Target rifle shooting was a popular sport before 1800. The first book in English on target rifle shooting, Scloppetaria; or, Considerations on the Nature and Use of Rifled Barrell Guns…by a Corporal of Riflemen (pseudonym of Capt. Henry Beaufoy), was published in 1808.

The English military conducted research on various rifles from 1800, especially emphasizing long-range shooting at targets of more than 550 metres (600 yards). When early in the 1850s volunteer rifle brigades for this kind of shooting were formed, they attracted some of the finest shots in the United Kingdom, and long-range shooting became so popular that at the first prize meeting in 1860 of the National Rifle Association, Queen Victoria fired the first shot.

In 1873 an Irish rifle team bested England and Scotland in a match, and then challenged American shooters to a match at ranges of 700, 800, and 900 metres (765.5, 874.8, and 984.2 yards). The match was held on Long Island, New York, in 1874, and though the American team had not shot beyond the 550-metre range, it won.

Interest in long-range shooting grew rapidly in the last third of the 19th century and continued well into the 20th century in all English-speaking countries. International competitions were held frequently with teams from as far afield as Australia and New Zealand traveling to England to compete, as late as the 1930s.

Schuetzen shooting

Of Germanic–Swiss origin, the shooting called Schuetzen was practiced for centuries practically unchanged throughout much of central Europe, and by the 1880s it had become predominantly popular. It was done in the standing, or offhand, position at targets from 90 or 180 metres (98.4 or 196.8 yards) outdoors, and at 23 metres (25.1 yards) indoors. The sport began to decline in Europe and the United States in the 1920s.

After World War I, interest in target rifle shooting grew rapidly with shooting clubs and associations numbering in the thousands. A great part of this growth was in small-bore—.22-calibre rimfire—shooting.