Submarine-launched ballistic missile | military technology | Britannica (original) (raw)
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arms control
In arms control: The Cold War: Soviet and U.S.-led arms-control agreements …of each side’s ICBMs and submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) at current levels. The SALT II agreement (1979) set limits on each side’s store of multiple independent reentry vehicles (MIRVs), which were strategic missiles equipped with multiple nuclear warheads capable of hitting different targets on the ground. This agreement placed limits… Read More
ballistic missiles
In rocket and missile system: The first SLBMs Simultaneous with the early Soviet and U.S. efforts to produce land-based ICBMs, both countries were developing SLBMs. In 1955 the Soviets launched the first SLBM, the one- to two-megaton SS-N-4 Sark. This missile, deployed in 1958 aboard diesel-electric submarines and later aboard nuclear-powered vessels,… Read More
Chinese intelligence gathering
In intelligence: China intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM).” Read More
military strategy
In nuclear strategy: Mutual assured destruction Even less vulnerable were submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) such as the U.S. Polaris and the Soviet SS-N-5 and SS-N-6, which could take full advantage of the ocean expanses to hide from enemy attack. Read More
missile launching systems
In missile: Types Submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) are ejected in this manner to the ocean surface from tubes within the submerged vessel. See also cruise missile; rocket; smart bomb; torpedo. Read More
naval tactics
In naval warfare: Nuclear weapons …sea in the form of submarine-launched ballistic missiles. The safeguarding or threatening of nuclear submarines has inspired a set of tactics unique in history. These tactics are among each nation’s most closely guarded secrets and have never been used in anger, so that all knowledge of them is theoretical, based… Read More
submarine weapon systems
In submarine: The nuclear navies …but their primary weapons are submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), such as the U.S. and British Trident. Read More