Albigenses | Catharism, Occitan, Heresy (original) (raw)

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Albigenses, the heretics—especially the Catharist heretics—of 12th–13th-century southern France. (See Cathari.) The name, apparently given to them at the end of the 12th century, is hardly exact, for the movement centred at Toulouse and in nearby districts rather than at Albi (ancient Albiga). The heresy, which had penetrated into these regions probably by trade routes, came originally from eastern Europe.

It is exceedingly difficult to form any very precise idea of the Albigensian doctrines because present knowledge of them is derived from their opponents and from the very rare and uninformative Albigensian texts which have come down to us. What is certain is that, above all, they formed an antisacerdotal party in permanent opposition to the Roman church and raised a continued protest against the corruption of the clergy of their time. The Albigensian theologians and ascetics, known in the south of France as bons hommes or bons chrétiens, were always few in number.

The first Catharist heretics appeared in Limousin between 1012 and 1020. Protected by William IX, duke of Aquitaine, and soon by a great part of the southern nobility, the movement gained ground in the south, and in 1119 the Council of Toulouse in vain ordered the secular powers to assist the ecclesiastical authority in quelling the heresy. The people were attached to the bons hommes, whose asceticism and antisacerdotal preaching impressed the masses, and the movement maintained vigorous activity for another 100 years, until Innocent III ascended the papal throne. At first he tried pacific conversion but at last (1209) ordered the Cistercians to preach the crusade against the Albigenses. This implacable war, the Albigensian Crusade, which threw the whole of the nobility of the north of France against that of the south and destroyed the brilliant Provençal civilization, ended, politically, in the Treaty of Paris (1229), which destroyed the independence of the princes of the south but did not extinguish the heresy, in spite of the wholesale massacres of heretics during the war. The Inquisition, however, operating unremittingly in the south at Toulouse, Albi, and other towns during the 13th and 14th centuries, succeeded in crushing it.