Battle of Isly | Algerian-French history | Britannica (original) (raw)
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history of Morocco
In Morocco: Decline of traditional government (1830–1912) …had been totally defeated at Isly, near the frontier town of Oujda. The sultan then promised to intern or expel Abdelkader if he should again enter Moroccan territory. Two years later, when he was again driven into Morocco, the Algerian leader was attacked by Moroccan troops and was forced to… Read More
role of
In Abdelkader: Creation of a new state …defeat of the Moroccans at Isly, the Sultan was forced to hold Abdelkader in the midst of his empire. The Amīr, however, proved to have unflagging energy. Taking advantage of a revolt in the Dahra, he reentered Algeria, took the Sidi Brahim outpost, and penetrated deep into the interior, all… Read More
In Thomas-Robert Bugeaud, duke d’Isly …Abdelkader’s Moroccan allies at the Battle of Isly (1844), Bugeaud received his ducal title. He returned to Algeria for short periods in 1845 and 1847 but resigned as governor-general in September 1847 in protest over the government’s neglect of his plans for military colonization. Read More