Berne Convention | International Copyright Law & Protection (original) (raw)


International Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works

Berne Convention, international copyright agreement adopted by an international conference in Bern (Berne) in 1886 and subsequently modified several times (Berlin, 1908; Rome, 1928; Brussels, 1948; Stockholm, 1967; and Paris, 1971). Signatories of the Convention constitute the Berne Copyright Union.

The core of the Berne Convention is its provision that each of the contracting countries shall provide automatic protection for works first published in other countries of the Berne union and for unpublished works whose authors are citizens of or resident in such other countries.

Each country of the union must guarantee to authors who are nationals of other member countries the rights that its own laws grant to its nationals. If the work has been first published in a Berne country but the author is a national of a nonunion country, the union country may restrict the protection to the extent that such protection is limited in the country of which the author is a national. The works protected by the Rome revision of 1928 include every production in the literary, scientific, and artistic domain, regardless of the mode of expression, such as books, pamphlets, and other writings; lectures, addresses, sermons, and other works of the same nature; dramatic or dramatico-musical works, choreographic works and entertainments in dumb show, the acting form of which is fixed in writing or otherwise; musical compositions; drawings, paintings, works of architecture, sculpture, engraving, and lithography; illustrations, geographical charts, plans, sketches, and plastic works relative to geography, topography, architecture, or science. It also includes translations, adaptations, arrangements of music, and other reproductions in an altered form of a literary or artistic work, as well as collections of different works. The Brussels revision of 1948 added cinematographic works and photographic works. In addition, both the Rome and Brussels revisions protect works of art applied to industrial purposes so far as the domestic legislation of each country allows such protection.

In the Rome revision the term of copyright for most types of works became the life of the author plus 50 years, but it was recognized that some countries might have a shorter term. Both the Rome and the Brussels revisions protected the right of making translations; but the Stockholm Protocol and the Paris revision somewhat liberalized the rights of translation, in a compromise between developing and developed countries.