Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) | Definition & History (original) (raw)

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Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), principal investigative agency of the federal government of the United States. The bureau is responsible for conducting investigations in cases where federal laws may have been violated, unless another agency of the federal government has been specifically delegated that duty by statute or executive fiat. As part of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the FBI reports the results of its investigations to the attorney general of the United States and his assistants in Washington, D.C., and to the United States attorneys’ offices in the country’s federal judicial districts. Although it is a federal agency, the FBI is not a national police force, and law enforcement in the United States remains principally the responsibility of state and local governments.

Organization and duties

The headquarters of the FBI is located in Washington, D.C., in a building named for J. Edgar Hoover, who served as the bureau’s head from 1924 to 1972. The FBI has more than 50 field offices located in large cities throughout the United States and in Puerto Rico. It also maintains several hundred “satellite” offices, called resident agencies, and several dozen liaison posts in foreign countries to facilitate the exchange of information with foreign agencies on matters relating to international crime and criminals.

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The FBI is headed by a director, who originally was appointed by the attorney general. Legislation enacted in 1968 empowered the president of the United States, subject to the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint the director to a 10-year term. The bureau has a large staff of employees, including more than 10,000 special agents who perform investigative work. The majority of these agents have served with the bureau for 10 years or more.

Directors of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

name dates of service*
*Gaps in service were filled by acting directors.
Stanley Finch July 26, 1908–April 30, 1912
Alexander Bruce Bielaski April 30, 1912–Feb. 10, 1919
William J. Flynn July 1, 1919–Aug. 21, 1921
William J. Burns Aug. 22, 1921–June 14, 1924
J. Edgar Hoover Dec. 10, 1924–May 2, 1972
Clarence M. Kelley July 9, 1973–Feb. 15, 1978
William H. Webster Feb. 23, 1978–May 25, 1987
William S. Sessions Nov. 2, 1987–July 19, 1993
Louis J. Freeh Sept. 1, 1993–June 25, 2001
Robert S. Mueller III Sept. 4, 2001–Sept. 4, 2013
James B. Comey Sept. 4, 2013–May 9, 2017
Christopher Wray Aug. 2, 2017–

The investigative jurisdiction of the FBI extends to most federal criminal laws in more than 200 areas, including computer crime (cybercrime), embezzlement, money laundering, organized crime (including extortion and racketeering), piracy and hijacking, sabotage, sedition, terrorism (including ecoterrorism), and treason. The bureau is the principal federal agency responsible for counterintelligence (see intelligence); it is represented on the United States Intelligence Board, a body created by the president’s National Security Council. In areas relating to domestic security, the FBI is responsible for correlating intelligence and disseminating it to other federal agencies. It also investigates violations of federal civil rights law, such as racial discrimination in employment and voting and police brutality. Through its Uniform Crime Reporting program, the bureau annually publishes a comprehensive summary of criminal activity in the United States; it also publishes a specific report on hate crimes. It collects evidence in most civil cases in which the United States is or may be a party, and it investigates individuals who are being considered for employment in sensitive positions within the federal government. Although the bureau investigates crimes committed outside the United States against U.S. citizens and U.S. interests (such as embassies), it may arrest individuals on foreign soil only in cases where the U.S. Congress has granted it jurisdiction and where the host country consents.

The chief exceptions to the FBI’s jurisdiction lie in specialized fields. These include alcohol and firearms violations (which fall under the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, part of the Department of Justice), customs and immigration violations and financial crimes targeting the U.S. financial and banking infrastructure (Customs and Border Protection, Citizenship and Immigration Services, and the Secret Service, all of which are part of the Department of Homeland Security), tax violations (the Internal Revenue Service), securities fraud (the Securities and Exchange Commission), and postal violations (the U.S. Postal Service). The FBI has concurrent jurisdiction over narcotics violations with the Drug Enforcement Administration, which is also part of the Department of Justice.

In 1908 the attorney general of the United States, Charles J. Bonaparte, filled the country’s need for a federal investigative body by establishing the Bureau of Investigation within the Department of Justice. In 1924 Attorney General Harlan Fiske Stone (later to become chief justice of the United States) reorganized the bureau and appointed J. Edgar Hoover its director. Reappointed to that post by successive attorneys general, Hoover was primarily responsible for the growth and professionalization of the bureau in the 1920s and ’30s. In 1932, at Hoover’s direction, the bureau began issuing a national bulletin, “Fugitives Wanted by Police,” to publicize its work; the bulletin became the “Ten Most Wanted Fugitives” list in 1950. Also in 1932 the bureau established a technical laboratory, now based in Quantico, Virginia, to carry out forensic analyses of handwriting, fingerprints, firearms, and other sources of information relevant to criminal investigations. (The Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System, established by the bureau in 1999, enables law-enforcement agencies to store and exchange fingerprint records in digital format.)

In 1935 Hoover founded a national academy to train special agents in police methods. Despite the bureau’s impressive strides under his leadership, Hoover was criticized on occasion for overzealousness and for investigating and persecuting individuals he viewed as radical or subversive.

The Bureau of Investigation was renamed the United States Bureau of Investigation in 1932; it received its current name in 1935. During World War II the FBI was responsible for tracking down military deserters and draft evaders and collecting intelligence. After the war the bureau concentrated on investigating real and alleged communist activity within the United States. During the 1950s and ’60s, the bureau used covert means to disrupt the activities of groups it considered subversive and to discredit their leaders; the operations, known as COINTELPRO (counterintelligence programs), were officially discontinued in 1971.

In 1964 the investigative jurisdiction of the FBI was greatly expanded by the passage of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibited racial and other forms of discrimination in employment, education, voting, the use of public accommodations, and other areas. During the same period, a growing public awareness of the existence of large criminal syndicates stimulated federal criminal legislation against racketeering and gambling. These laws likewise increased the investigative responsibilities of the bureau. The National Crime Information Center, which serves to coordinate and assist local, state, and federal law-enforcement officials, was established by the FBI in 1967.

In the 1970s the FBI revamped its programs for selecting and training special agents and other officials. It also established guidelines to ensure that its investigations would not violate the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens. In the 1980s the bureau focused much of its attention on international drug trafficking and on white-collar crime. Beginning in the 1990s, it adopted programs to combat cybercrime, which was growing dramatically with the development of the Internet and the expansion of e-commerce. Terrorism also became a central concern, particularly following attacks against the World Trade Center (1993) and against U.S. targets overseas.

In response to the September 11 attacks of 2001, the bureau revised its policies and structure and devoted additional resources to counterterrorism. Its powers to surveil U.S. citizens and foreign residents were significantly expanded by the USA PATRIOT Act (formally the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001). In 2003 the FBI established an Office of Intelligence to manage its intelligence-gathering activities and to coordinate its efforts with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

In 2006 the American Civil Liberties Union revealed that the FBI had been spying on numerous political activism groups in the U.S., a charge that the FBI denied but that was confirmed by the DOJ Office of the Inspector General in 2010. In 2015 the USA PATRIOT Act was replaced by the USA FREEDOM Act, which reduced some of the scope of the earlier act but retained many of the FBI’s surveillance powers that stemmed from the September 11 attacks.

The FBI played a major role in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Director James B. Comey oversaw an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server during her term as secretary of state. In July 2016 she was cleared of criminal impropriety, but Comey effectively reopened the case less than two weeks before the November 8 election by sending a letter to Congress disclosing a review of recently discovered Clinton e-mails. Comey announced that no criminal activity had been uncovered in the new batch of e-mails, two days before the election. Clinton lost the election, and a number of her supporters and election observers blamed the loss on Comey’s letter to Congress.

Clinton lost that election to Donald J. Trump, who had praised Comey for his Clinton investigation while on the campaign trail. In March 2017 Comey confirmed the widespread belief that the FBI was investigating whether members of Trump’s campaign had colluded with Russian officials to win the election. On May 9 Trump abruptly fired Comey, citing the recommendation of DOJ officials who faulted Comey’s conduct during the Clinton probe. Critics, however, alleged that Comey was dismissed because of the Russia inquiry.

This article was most recently revised and updated by Amy Tikkanen.