Huguenot | French Protestantism, Persecution & Migration (original) (raw)

Huguenot, any of the Protestants in France in the 16th and 17th centuries, many of whom suffered severe persecution for their faith. The origin of the name is uncertain, but it appears to have come from the word aignos, derived from the German Eidgenossen (confederates bound together by oath), which used to describe, between 1520 and 1524, the patriots of Geneva hostile to the duke of Savoy. The spelling Huguenot may have been influenced by the personal name Hugues, “Hugh”; a leader of the Geneva movement was one Besançon Hugues (d. 1532).

After the Protestant Reformation began in Germany (1517), the reform movement spread quickly in France, especially in places that had suffered economic depression and among those who had grievances against the established order of government. The French Protestants soon experienced persecution, however, and the first French martyr, Jean Vallière, was burned at the stake in Paris in August 1523. Despite persecution, however, the movement progressed; but measures against it were redoubled after the “Affair of the Placards” (October 1534), when posters attacking the mass were found on walls throughout Paris and even on the door of King Francis I’s bedroom at Amboise.

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Thereafter the number of Protestant refugees from persecution increased. Many went to Strassburg (Strasbourg), then a free city of the Holy Roman Empire, where Martin Bucer had organized a Reformed church. The most famous of these exiles was John Calvin, who left for Basel in the autumn of 1534. At Basel he is thought to have written his Institutes of the Christian Religion, which was prefaced by a letter to Francis I pleading the cause of the Reformers in France. In 1538 Calvin visited Strassburg on Bucer’s invitation and organized the French community there. The first Huguenot community in French territory, that of Meaux, was founded in 1546 on the model of the Strassburg community. The Huguenot church in Paris was founded about 1555, and in spite of persecution the Reformers increased in numbers.

Finally the Protestant church at Paris was commissioned to summon the first synod, which was attended by 72 deputies representing all the provinces of the kingdom (May 1559). The deputies drew up a confession of faith, which was greatly influenced by the ideas of John Calvin; thus French Protestants became a Reformed rather than a Lutheran church. The synod of 1559 was also the beginning of a remarkable quantitative increase in the Reform movement. At that synod 15 churches were represented; two years later, in 1561, the number was 2,150—an increase that carried the struggle into the arena of national politics.

The Conspiracy of Amboise, formed by Huguenots with the object of kidnapping the boy-king Francis II (March 1560), resulted in the death of all the plotters except Louis I de Bourbon, Prince de Condé. But the Reformers had become so powerful that Gaspard de Coligny, their most famous leader, protested in their name at the assembly of notables at Fontainebleau (August 1560) against all violation of the liberty of conscience. The attempt at peace failed. After a number of Huguenots assembling for worship in a barn at Vassy were massacred by soldiers of the Roman Catholic Guise family, Condé declared that there was no hope but in God and arms. At Orléans on April 12, 1562, the Huguenot leaders signed the manifesto in which they stated that as loyal subjects they were driven to take up arms for liberty of conscience on behalf of the persecuted saints.

Thus began a period of confusion and violence in France, known as the Wars of Religion, that lasted until almost the end of the century. A famous incident of this period was the Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Day. On the night of August 24/25, 1572, after a council at which the queen mother Catherine de Médicis, King Charles IX, the duke d’Anjou (later Henry III), and the Guises were present, there occurred a massacre in which Coligny and almost all the leading Huguenots in Paris were slain. The Paris massacre was repeated throughout France, and Protestants were slain in thousands. The Protestant survivors resolved upon a desperate resistance, and a Huguenot political party was formed at Milhaud, near Nîmes, in 1573. Especially prominent was Philippe de Mornay, known as Duplessis-Mornay. The Huguenots at first hoped that the crown of France would pass to a Huguenot; when that became obviously impossible, they fought for full religious and civil liberty within the state.

War was resumed after the Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Day and continued, with short-lived intermissions, throughout the reign of the unpopular Henry III, who succeeded Charles IX in 1574. Henry’s hesitations encouraged the formation of the powerful Holy League against the Huguenots; and, after the assassination of Henry III in 1589, his successor, the Protestant heir Henry IV, could pacify the kingdom only by abjuring Protestantism (July 1593), accepting Catholicism, and thus depriving the League of its pretext for resisting him. The Huguenots after 40 years of strife obtained by their constancy Henry IV’s promulgation of the Edict of Nantes (April 1598), the charter of their religious and political freedom.

Civil wars, however, occurred again in the 1620s under King Louis XIII. Eventually the Huguenots were defeated, and the Peace of Alès was signed on June 28, 1629, whereby the Huguenots were allowed to retain their freedom of conscience but lost all their military advantages. No longer a political entity, the Huguenots became loyal subjects of the king. Their remaining rights under the Edict of Nantes were confirmed by a royal declaration in 1643 on behalf of the infant king, Louis XIV.

The French Roman Catholic clergy, however, could not accept the Huguenots and worked to deprive them of their rights. General harassment and the forcible conversion of thousands of Protestants were rampant for many years. Finally, on October 18, 1685, Louis XIV pronounced the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. As a result, over the next several years, France lost more than 400,000 of its Protestant inhabitants. Many emigrated to England, Prussia, the Netherlands, and America and became very useful citizens of their adopted countries. Many were urban people in commerce and industry, and their absence would hurt France in the coming Industrial Revolution.

In the first part of the 18th century, the Huguenots seemed to be finally eliminated. In 1715 Louis XIV announced that he had ended all exercise of the Protestant religion in France. That same year, however, an assembly of Protestants held a conference at Nîmes devoted to restoring the Protestant church. Although much reduced in number, Protestantism persisted in France.

Persecution of the Huguenots was revived from 1745 to 1754, but French public opinion began to turn against the persecutions. In spite of fierce opposition by the Roman Catholic clergy, an edict in 1787 restored in part the civil rights of the Huguenots. In November 1789, with the birth of the French Revolution, the National Assembly affirmed the liberty of religion and granted Protestants admission to all offices and professions. See also Reformed Church of France.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica This article was most recently revised and updated by Amy Tikkanen.