India Act | Great Britain [1784] | Britannica (original) (raw)
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Government of India Acts
In Government of India Acts Pitt’s India Act (1784), named for the British prime minister William Pitt the Younger, established the dual system of control by the British government and the East India Company, by which the company retained control of commerce and day-to-day administration but important political matters were reserved… Read More
history of India
In India: The company and the state …Minister William Pitt the Younger’s India Act of 1784. Its essence was the institution of a dual control. The directors were left in charge of commerce and as political executants, but they were politically superintended by a new Board of Control, the president of which, in the person of Henry… Read More
In India: Relations with the Marathas and Mysore …preserved the British dominion in India, and by so doing he made it possible for others to extend it. The company had become one of the recognized great powers of India. Read More
regulation of British East India Company
In United Kingdom: William Pitt the Younger …1784 he passed his own India Act, creating a board of control regulating Indian affairs and the East India Company. The board’s members were nominated by the king from among the privy councillors. Finally, in 1791 the Canada Constitutional Act was passed. London became responsible for the government of both… Read More
In United Kingdom: Imperial expansion …in the passing of the India Act in 1784, which indicatively increased the government’s authority over the East India Company and therefore over Britain’s possessions in India. Read More
role of Pitt
In William Pitt, the Younger: Pitt’s first ministry, 1783–1801 …therefore, introduced his own East India bill (1784). He set up a new government department, the Board of Control, to supervise the directors of the company. He also ended an inappropriate division of authority in India by making the governor general supreme over the subordinate governments of Bombay and Madras.… Read More