La favola d’Orfeo | opera by Monteverdi | Britannica (original) (raw)
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character of Orpheus
In Orpheus …operas by Claudio Monteverdi (Orfeo, 1607), Christoph Gluck (Orfeo ed Euridice, 1762), and Jacques Offenbach (Orpheus in the Underworld, 1858); Jean Cocteau’s drama (1926) and film (1949) Orphée; and Brazilian director Marcel Camus’s film Black Orpheus (1959). Read More
discussed in biography
In Claudio Monteverdi: The Gonzaga court …it was his first opera, Orfeo, performed in 1607, that finally established him as a composer of large-scale music rather than of exquisite miniature works. Monteverdi may have attended some of the performances of the earliest operas, those composed by the Florentine composers Jacopo Peri and Giulio Caccini, and he… Read More
history of
In opera: Monteverdi …field with two dramatic works: La favola d’Orfeo (1607; “The Fable of Orpheus”), the first opera to maintain a place in the modern repertory, and L’Arianna (1608), now lost except for the Lamento, which was destined to become one of the most famous pieces of music of the 17th century.… Read More
In Western theatre: Opera …Monteverdi had composed his masterpiece, Orfeo, which placed the emphasis squarely on music and established the basic form that European opera was to take for the next 300 years. Read More
In instrumentation: The Baroque period His opera Orfeo was first performed at Mantua in 1607 with an orchestra of about 40 instruments, including flutes, cornetts, trumpets, trombones, strings, and keyboard instruments. For the first time, a composer, in order to heighten certain dramatic moments, specified exactly which instruments were to be used. Read More