Neanderthal - Homo Sapiens, DNA, Evolution | Britannica (original) (raw)
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Presumed ancestors of the Neanderthals were discovered at Sima de los Huesos (“Pit of the Bones”), at the Atapuerca site in Spain, dated to about 430,000 years ago, which yielded an impressive number of remains of all life stages. Sometimes these remains are attributed to H. heidelbergensis or archaic H. sapiens if one accepts Neanderthals as _H. sapiens neanderthalensis_—in other words, as a subspecies of modern humans. Presumed descendants of Neanderthals include a “love child” with both Neanderthal and modern human physical features from Portugal (Lagar Velho), dated to about 24,500 years ago.
What happened to the Neanderthals is one of the most-enduring questions in science, and it has been addressed in the early 21st century by applying genetic techniques to compare DNA from hundreds of living humans and ancient DNA recovered from Neanderthal fossils. The earliest genetic studies of Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA supported the idea that the origin of modern humans was a speciation event. More recently, however, it was reported that Eurasians generally carry about 2 percent Neanderthal nuclear DNA, which suggests that modern humans and Neanderthals interbred and thus were not two different biological species, despite most classifications treating them as such. It was previously argued on the basis of morphology that modern humans are distinct from Neanderthals, although the question of “how different is different” has always plagued debates on the apparent uniqueness of this fossil human group. When single specimens of Neanderthals and modern humans are compared, Neanderthals can easily be distinguished. When a broad range of individuals are examined, however, the variation observed fails to isolate Neanderthals as a group that is completely distinct from modern humans for every trait. Like Neanderthal fossils, early modern human fossils are robust in physical form, although they tend to differ from Neanderthal fossils in that they have a more juvenilized but large cranial vault coupled with a smaller face and a distinct mental trigone (chin).
Morphological traits
Craniofacial features
Although Neanderthals possessed much in common physically with early modern humans, the constellation of Neanderthal features is unique, with much variation among individuals as far as craniofacial (head and facial) characteristics are concerned. Features of the cranium and lower jaw that were present more often in Neanderthals than in early and recent modern humans include a low-vaulted cranium, large orbital and nasal openings, and prominent arched brow ridges. A pronounced occipital region (the rear and base of the skull) served to anchor the large neck musculature. The cranial capacity of Neanderthals was similar to or larger than that of recent humans. The front teeth were larger than those in modern humans, but the molars and premolars were of a similar size. The lower jaw displayed a receding chin and was robustly built. The mental foramen, a small hole in the skull that allows nerves to reach the lower jaw, was placed farther back in Neanderthals than in recent humans, and a space between the last molar and the ascending edge of the lower jaw occurred in many individuals. There was also apparently less lumbar lordosis (back curvature) in Neanderthals and their predecessors from Sima de los Huesos than in modern humans.
Body proportions and cold stress
Neanderthals were a cold-adapted people. As with their facial features, Neanderthals’ body proportions were variable. However, in general, they possessed relatively short lower limb extremities, compared with their upper arms and legs, and a broad chest. Their arms and legs must have been massive and heavily muscled. This body build would have protected the extremities against damage from cold stress. Voluminous pulp cavities, or taurodontism, in the teeth may also have been an adaptation to cold temperatures or perhaps arose from genetic isolation. Cold stress may have delayed maturation in Neanderthal children, although earlier weaning and dental development have also been suggested from studies of teeth.
Other adaptations
Until the early 2000s, it was widely thought that Neanderthals lacked the capacity for complex communication, such as spoken language. Supporting that hypothesis was the fact that the flattened cranial base of Neanderthals—similar to that of modern infants prior to two years old—did not provide sufficient space for the production of vowels, which are used in all spoken languages of modern humans. However, studies beginning in the late 1980s of the hypoglossal canal (one of two small openings in the lower part of the skull) and a hyoid (the bone located between the base of the tongue and the larynx) from the paleoanthropological site at Kebara, Israel, suggested that the Neanderthal vocal tract could have been similar to that found in modern humans. Moreover, genetic studies in the early 2000s involving the Neanderthal FOXP2 gene (a gene thought to allow for the capacity for speech and language) indicated that Neanderthals probably used language in the same way that modern humans have. Such a deduction had also been extrapolated from interpretations of the complex behaviours of Neanderthals—such as the development of an advanced stone tool technology, the burial of the dead, and the care of injured social group members. It is not known, however, whether Neanderthals were capable of the full range of phonemes, or sound tones, that characterize the languages of modern humans. Handedness, which was inferred from dental wear resulting from items held in the mouth for processing, occurred among Neanderthals at a rate similar to that in modern humans and suggests a lateralization (functional separation) of the brain that is fundamental to language.