New Jersey Plan | Summary, Constitutional Convention, & Virginia Plan (original) (raw)

Also called:

Small State Plan or Paterson Plan

New Jersey Plan, one of two major competing proposals for the structure and functioning of the United States government that were introduced at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 in Philadelphia. Put forth in June by William Paterson, the head of the New Jersey delegation, the New Jersey Plan was intended to benefit small states such as New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. Its most significant proposal called for equal representation for states in a unicameral legislature in order to avoid awarding states with larger populations, such as New York and Virginia, a greater number of representatives and therefore a greater share of power. The other major plan, the Virginia Plan, which would be chosen over the New Jersey Plan, was largely written by Virginian James Madison and had been presented to the convention earlier by delegates from Virginia, most notably Edmund Randolph, the state’s governor.

The Confederation Congress had convened that summer to amend the Articles of Confederation, which were proving too weak to provide adequate governing power for the union. Among the drawbacks of the Articles were their failure to provide for an executive branch or to give Congress authority to raise taxes. Moreover, they generally framed a weak central government in which states’ interests were paramount.

The New Jersey Plan consisted of nine resolutions:

  1. The first resolution advocated continuing the unicameral system of legislature outlined under the Articles, while allowing for revisions to it.
  2. The second expanded the scope of Congress’s powers to grant it the authority to collect import duties on goods and to raise taxes in certain ways, including via a stamp tax and postage.
  3. The third established the three-fifths rule, whereby three-fifths of the number of enslaved people living in a state would be counted for the purpose of determining its population in order to proportionally assess Congress’s requests for funding from the states.
  4. The fourth added an executive branch to be made up of more than one individual, and it provided a fail-safe to remove said executives by a majority vote of the states.
  5. The fifth provided for a federal judiciary that would be appointed by the executive branch.
  6. The sixth declared that acts of Congress and treaties endorsed by the central government would be considered the supreme law of the land.
  7. The seventh created a path by which new states could join the union.
  8. The ninth declared that citizens of all states would be equal in state criminal courts.

Some aspects of the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan were in alignment. For example, both framed three branches of government (executive, judicial, and legislative). However, the Virginia Plan notably called for the creation of a bicameral legislature, in which a state’s representation in each of the chambers would be determined by its population. The Virginia Plan generally favoured a stronger national government, whereas the New Jersey Plan retained more authority for the states.

Delegates were scheduled to debate the merits of the plans for much of June. When a vote was taken on June 19, Paterson’s plan failed to pass. The convention instead chose the Virginia Plan, and delegates spent the next month working out the details of what became known as the Great Compromise, which was also called the Connecticut Compromise because it was championed by Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth of Connecticut. The compromise followed heated debates, with several states’ representatives threatening to leave the convention altogether. The compromise was adopted on July 16, 1787, passing by a margin of a single vote. This plan provided for both Paterson’s legislative body with an equal number of representatives per state—regardless of population—in the form of the Senate and Madison’s bicameral system, with proportional representation based on state population in the House. The three-fifths rule was also included in the compromise, and the same population count that was to be used to determine representation for a state would also be used to determine that state’s taxation rates and responsibilities. This system mollified states of all sizes. The resulting agreement became a crucial component of the United States Constitution, which superseded the Articles of Confederation in June 1788 after it had been ratified by nine states.

Paterson, who had previously served as New Jersey’s first attorney general and worked as a lawyer, was one of five delegates from New Jersey. After the compromise was drafted, he strongly advocated for the ratification of the Constitution in New Jersey. After it was ratified, he became one of the state’s first senators and, later, an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, nominated by Pres. George Washington.

Michele Metych