Primitive Culture | work by Tylor | Britannica (original) (raw)
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discussed in biography
In Sir Edward Burnett Tylor: Tylor’s concept of progressive development …chiefly upon the publication of Primitive Culture. In it he again traced a progressive development from a savage to a civilized state and pictured primitive man as an early philosopher applying his reason to explain events in the human and natural world that were beyond his control, even though his… Read More
history of social science
In social science: Cultural anthropology Tylor’s landmark work of 1871, Primitive Culture, defined culture as the part of human behaviour that is learned—an inadequate definition, as proved by the fact that much of animal behaviour is also learned, the difference between animal and human behaviour being, rather, in the character of their respective learning: direct… Read More
survival of custom and superstition
In survivals Edward Burnett Tylor in his Primitive Culture (1871). Tylor believed that seemingly irrational customs and beliefs, such as peasant superstitions, were vestiges of earlier rational practices. He distinguished between continuing customs that maintained their function or meaning and those that had both lost their utility and were poorly integrated with… Read More
evolutionary principles
In animism …Burnett Tylor in his work Primitive Culture (1871), to which is owed the continued currency of the term. While none of the major world religions are animistic (though they may contain animistic elements), most other religions—e.g., those of tribal peoples—are. For this reason, an ethnographic understanding of animism, based on… Read More
concept of God
In theism: Humanism and transcendence …ethnologist and anthropologist, in his Primitive Culture (1871), and by Sir James Frazer, an ethnographer and historian of religion, in his Golden Bough (1890–1915). But a corrective to this approach was soon provided by other scholars equally renowned, who started from the historical and empirical evidence available to them at… Read More
In magic: Foundations …Sir Edward Burnett Tylor, whose Primitive Culture (1871) regarded magic as a "pseudo-science" in which the "savage" postulated a direct cause-effect relationship between the magical act and the desired outcome. Tylor regarded magic as "one of the most pernicious delusions that ever vexed mankind," but he did not approach it… Read More
In classification of religions: Morphological …Tylor, a British anthropologist, whose Primitive Culture (1871) is among the most influential books ever written in its field. Tylor developed the thesis of animism, a view that the essential element in all religion is belief in spiritual beings. According to Tylor, the belief arises naturally from elements universal in… Read More