Saʿdī dynasty | Moroccan dynasty | Britannica (original) (raw)
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conflict with Songhai empire
In western Africa: The early kingdoms and empires of the western Sudan …provoked effective retaliation from the Saʿdī dynasty of Morocco. An expeditionary force of some 4,000 soldiers was sent across the Sahara and took the important cities of Gao, Timbuktu, and Jenne. The Moroccans had firearms, but their success against the much larger numbers of the Songhai army was also facilitated… Read More
history of North Africa
In North Africa: The Maghrib from about 1500 to 1830 …Christian colonial intrusion enabled the Saʿdī dynasty of sharifs to capture power in Morocco in 1549 and paved the way for Ottoman rule to be established later in the rest of the Maghrib. Read More
rule in Morocco
In Islamic world: Trans-Saharan Islam …Sīdī Barakāt, who legitimated the Saʿdī family of sharifs as leaders of a jihad that expelled the Portuguese and established an independent state (1511–1603) strong enough to expand far to the south. Meanwhile, the greatest Muslim kingdom of the Sudan, Songhai, was expanding northward, and its growing control of major… Read More