United States Navy (USN) | History, Ships, Battles, & Structure (original) (raw)

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United States Navy (USN), major branch of the United States armed forces charged with the defense of the country at sea, the seaborne support of the other U.S. military services, and the maintenance of security on the seas wherever the interests of the United States extend.

The Navy in the Revolutionary era

The earliest sea battles of the American Revolution took place after the Battle of Lexington, when 9 of the 13 colonies armed small vessels for the protection of local waterborne commerce. When George Washington took command of the Continental Army in July 1775, he found his troops without ammunition and arranged for a ship of the Rhode Island navy to sail to Bermuda for powder. Soon afterward Washington fitted out seven small vessels, part of a rudimentary navy that was gradually forming, and manned them with seagoing troops in order to interfere with British supply ships. Commodore John Manly directed this force and commanded the most successful of the vessels, capturing in one British ship a quantity of munitions equivalent to the manufacturing capacity of the colonies for about 18 months.

John BarryJohn Barry, oil painting after a portrait by Gilbert Stuart.

Significant, too, during these embryonic years of a national maritime force, was naval officer John Barry, who won significant victories at sea during the revolution. Because he had trained so many young officers who later became celebrated in the nation’s history, he was often called the “Father of the Navy.”

On October 13, 1775, the Continental Congress voted to fit out ships, and the Marine Committee, later appointed, sent the first Continental squadron to sea, under the command of Esek Hopkins, for the purpose of capturing munitions. In fact, Congress had declared all British vessels subject to capture and even authorized privateering. In the aggregate, this new Continental Navy comprised about 60 ships and made an impressive showing. John Paul Jones had spectacular successes in British home waters. In addition to cruising against enemy merchantmen and British blockaders, the Continental vessels were required to make many voyages carrying diplomatic representatives and essential cargo. Arrangements for the administration of the Continental vessels were not efficient, and the shortage of money imposed severe handicaps. Privateering offered much better financial inducements and made recruiting for naval vessels difficult. Together, the Continental Navy and the privateers touched the pocketbook nerve of British merchants, and each one of the many petitions to the king importuning for an end to the war stressed the severe losses which the English mercantile community was suffering.

A soldier standing guard in a Washington, D.C. street with the ruins of buildings that were destroyed during the riots that followed the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., April 8, 1968. Britannica Quiz By All Military Meanings Necessary: Vocab Quiz

The Royal Navy enabled the British army to force the surrender of Savannah, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; and Wilmington, North Carolina. It ravaged the coast of Connecticut and burned Norfolk, Virginia, and Falmouth, Maine, and other coastal towns while enabling the British army to strike at will along the seaboard. By 1778 Washington realized that he needed the help of a superior French fleet to enable him to inflict a truly decisive defeat on the British. Thereafter he constantly urged Benjamin Franklin—who was in Paris representing American government—on the need for French ships rather than French troops. In the Battle of the Chesapeake (Battle of Virginia Capes), on September 5, 1781, a powerful British fleet was defeated by the French armada commanded by François-Joseph-Paul, comte de Grasse. The presence of the French fleet prevented the Royal Navy from rescuing the British from the Yorktown Peninsula, and Washington forced the surrender of the British army under Lord Cornwallis on October 19, 1781.

After the Revolution the Continental Navy was disbanded and its vessels sold. The first Congress under the new Constitution provided for an army but decided that a navy was not necessary. Destruction of U.S. commerce by Barbary pirates caused Congress to authorize the building of six frigates in 1794 and to establish the navy department on April 30, 1798. Successes in the quasi-war with France in 1798 (sparked by the XYZ Affair) and in the Tripolitan War gave the naval commanders Thomas Truxtun, Edward Preble, and Stephen Decatur national reputations and provided the young navy with experience and self-confidence.