Toward a Land Mine-Free World | Essay by Jody Williams | Britannica (original) (raw)
As those in the movement to ban antipersonnel land mines celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Mine Ban Treaty of 1997, we recognized the fact that the accomplishments fueled by this “people’s movement”—the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL)—were still a “success in progress.”
(Read Britannica’s biography of this author, Jody Williams.)
Learn about the work of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines and its successful advocacy for the Ottawa TreatyA video marking the 20th anniversary of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), founded in 1992, including footage of Diana, princess of Wales, and her work with land-mine victims.
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When we consider the events of 1997, we are humbled by having kick-started an unprecedented diplomatic process, which required courage and vision and the political will to put human lives first in making the decision to eliminate a conventional weapon that had been used by many fighting forces around the world for decades. This process led to the Mine Ban Treaty’s negotiation in Oslo in September 1997 and then to its signing by 122 countries in Ottawa in December 1997. Just a few days after the signing, the ICBL and I, as the ICBL’s then coordinator, were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for promoting and achieving the treaty.
Accomplishments Since 1997
In these 20 years, there have been undeniable advances. Today 162 states—more than three-quarters of the world’s countries—are party to the Mine Ban Treaty. There has been virtually no trade in these indiscriminate weapons since the mid-1990s. The number of producing states has dropped from 54 to 11, and not all of those are actively producing mines today. Only the state of Burma has consistently used land mines during these 20 years.
The signatory states (states parties) collectively have destroyed more than 50 million antipersonnel mines. Ninety states parties have completed destruction, and another 65 have never possessed mines. This “preventative mine action” ensures that these weapons will never take a life or a limb. States have also been working to demine and return to productive use large tracts of land, educate mine-affected communities about the dangers of land mines, and provide support to and protect the rights of land mine victims. Mine action activities are ongoing in dozens of countries, while 26 states parties have completed the clearance of all mined areas on their territory under the Mine Ban Treaty.
None of this would have occurred without a powerful, comprehensive treaty guiding the way. On the other hand, the success of the treaty was by no means assured. In the mine-ban movement, most of us believe that the near universal implementation and compliance with the treaty would not have been achieved without the continued commitment and activity of the ICBL. At the same time, states parties have the responsibility to ensure other states parties’ compliance with treaty provisions and to set up the appropriate mechanisms to this end, including the operationalization of Article 8 on compliance, which they have been actively reluctant to do.
The Challenges Ahead
Two of the biggest challenges facing the mine-ban community in the next 10 years are meeting the treaty obligation of mine clearance and, harder still, addressing the lifelong needs of land mine survivors. Land mines remain in more than 60 countries and territories. Several states parties to the treaty are not on course to fulfill their obligation to clear all mines from all known mined areas “as soon as possible” and no later than 10 years after joining the treaty. While they can seek deadline extensions to continue the clearance, such extensions must not be a shield for states that do not make the best possible effort to meet their obligations.
The international community has been much more willing to contribute to mine action than to survivor assistance, perhaps because the destruction of a land mine is an immediate and lasting “success.” The needs of survivors, on the other hand, are complex and lifelong; wheelchairs or prosthetic devices alone will not solve their problems, and it is not simple to declare success. There are wonderful individuals helping land mine victims, such as Australian Chris Minko, who has worked since 1996 with disability groups in Cambodia, but programs for survivors are inadequate in most of the countries which still record new mine casualties. Clearly, more resources must be devoted to the survivors, yet the funding for global mine action will also need to increase if states are to complete mine clearance in time.
The ban movement must keep up the pressure on states that remain outside the treaty. Even though many nonsignatories have de facto followed the obligations of the Mine Ban Treaty, being part of it would be the best way to ensure that the world becomes free of land mines. Thirty-five countries remain outside the treaty, including major stockpilers, producers, or users, such as Burma, China, India, Pakistan, Russia, and the United States. One signatory, the Marshall Islands, remains the last country yet to ratify the treaty. While efforts to engage armed nonstate actors have been fruitful, they must be broadened and deepened to ensure that these groups give up the production and use of land mines, including victim-activated improvised explosive devices.
Many challenges remain, and we cannot afford to rest. Although the success of the ban movement and the Mine Ban Treaty have continued to inspire the world, committed political leadership, financial and technical cooperation and assistance, and full and timely compliance with the treaty are crucial to ensure that the Mine Ban Treaty can truly make a difference in the lives of all individuals and communities affected by mines. We’ve come a long way toward achieving our goals, but there is still a long way to go.
This essay was originally published in 2018 in Encyclopædia Britannica Anniversary Edition: 250 Years of Excellence (1768–2018).