Acronym | Definition, Types, Examples, & Structure | Britannica (original) (raw)

acronym, abbreviation formed from the initial letter or group of letters of two or more words. The term dates to the 1940s and derives from the Greek words akros, meaning “topmost” or “highest,” and onyma, meaning “name” or “word.” Some scholars suggest it was borrowed from the German Akronym, which appeared in the 1920s. Most acronyms have been coined since the 20th century, and some have become so commonly used that their letter-based roots are often forgotten, such as JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group).

In terms of structure, distinctions have been made between three types of acronyms. Letter acronyms are exemplified by scuba (_s_elf-_c_ontained _u_nderwater _b_reathing _a_pparatus) and UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). Syllabic acronyms include sitcom (_sit_uation _com_edy) and South America’s Mercosur (Mercado Común del Sur). MATCON (_m_icrowave _a_erospace _t_erminal _con_trol), on the other hand, is an example of a hybrid acronym. Some linguists, such as David Crystal, consider syllabic acronyms to be blends since they include more than the first letter of each word. Syllabic and hybrid acronyms exclude periods, as do many letter acronyms.

Acronyms are typically pronounced as full words, in contrast to initialisms (also called alphabetisms) whose letters are spelled out. Examples of the latter include EU (European Union), IRS (Internal Revenue Service), and UN (United Nations). Several writers and linguists, however, also consider these to be acronyms and forgo the distinction. Under this broader definition, acronyms were already common well before the 20th century, as exemplified by CE (Common Era) and BCE (_b_efore the Common Era), which date back to at least the 1700s. Some acronyms, such as JPEG and CD-ROM (_c_ompact _d_isc _r_ead-_o_nly _m_emory), include a combination of both letters and syllables when pronounced.

Yellow transportation sign with ASAP (as soon as possible) on violet color sky background. (acronyms) Britannica Quiz Figure Out the Acronyms ASAP Vocabulary Quiz

Further distinctions point to how a term is used. Mnemonic acronyms convey the connection between familiar common nouns and the abbreviation, as occurs with SQUID, meaning _s_uperconducting _q_uantum _i_nterference _d_evice. Similarly, acronyms such as ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) and NOW (National Organization for Women) have also been used as slogans. The popularity of acronyms has led them to being incorporated into other acronyms, as exemplified by DIFFA (Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS).

Acronyms can prompt confusion across fields, cultures, and languages, especially when they change because of the order of words and hence letters. An example is the acronym for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, which is AIDS in the English language but SIDA (syndrome d’immunodéficience acquise) in French. Problems can also arise when the same acronym refers to completely different entities. Such is the case with SPA, which can refer to various things, including the business term _s_ale and _p_urchase _a_greement; the Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores (“Portuguese Society of Authors”), which deals with author rights; and the Société Protectrice des Animaux (“Society for the Protection of Animals”), a French organization responsible for animal rights. The same acronym can also confuse readers who share the same language or field. This is exemplified by LOL, which can stand for _l_ots _o_f _l_ove or for _l_aughing _o_ut _l_oud. Some acronyms have remained the same after being adopted by different languages, as shown by the French RSVP (répondez s’il vous plaît).

The prevalence of abbreviations has given rise to the so-called RAS syndrome, short for _r_edundant _a_cronym _s_yndrome syndrome. This occurs when one of the words from the acronym is repeated, as in the names ATM (_a_utomated _t_eller _m_achine) machine, UPC (_u_niversal _p_roduct _c_ode) code, and DC (Detective Comics) Comics. Acronyms have also prompted the creation of backronyms, whereby an existing word or phrase is made into an acronym by using words that start with the letters provided. This is exemplified by the Apgar score, introduced by Virginia Apgar to evaluate the health of newborns. It later forged the mnemonic aid: Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration.

Daniel Costa