Court | Definition, Functions, Structure, & Facts (original) (raw)

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court of law

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court, a person or body of persons having judicial authority to hear and resolve disputes in civil, criminal, ecclesiastical, or military cases. The word court, which originally meant simply an enclosed place, also denotes the chamber, hall, building, or other place where judicial proceedings are held. (See also military law; arbitration.)

This article deals with the operations of the judicial branch of government. It explores some of the fundamental relationships of this branch with legislative and executive branches and analyzes the functions, structure and organization, and key personnel of courts, the judges. It also compares the systems of the two predominant legal traditions of the contemporary world: common law, represented by England, the United States, Canada, Australia, and other countries deriving their legal systems from the English model; and civil law, as represented by countries of western Europe and Latin America and certain Asian and African countries that have modeled their legal systems on western European patterns.

Judicial legitimacy

Legal scholars are fond of quoting the maxim that courts have neither the “power of the purse nor of the sword,” meaning that they, unlike other institutions of government, rarely have the power to raise and spend money and do not command the institutions of coercion (the police and the military). Without force or monetary inducements, courts are weak institutions, because they are denied the most efficacious means of ensuring that their decisions are complied with and enforced.

The lack of formal institutional powers has led some observers to conclude that courts are the least-effective agents of government. However, such arguments ignore what is surely the most significant powers of courts—their institutional legitimacy. An institution is legitimate when it is perceived as having the right or the authority to make decisions and when its decisions are viewed as worthy of respect or obedience. Judicial legitimacy derives from the belief that judges are impartial and that their decisions are grounded in law, not ideology and politics. Often in sharp contrast to other political institutions (such as legislatures), courts are respected—indeed often revered—because their decisions are viewed as being principled rather than motivated by self-interest or partisanship. To the extent that courts are perceived as legitimate by their constituents, their decisions—even their unpopular ones—are respected, acquiesced to, and accepted.

The justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, for example, often make reference to legitimacy as one of the institution’s most precious (and perhaps most volatile) resources. Justices have asserted that frequent reversals of existing precedents undermine the legitimacy of the judiciary. Others have argued that some issues are simply too politically sensitive for courts to intervene in (e.g., the president’s war-making powers). If courts become embroiled in ordinary political disputes and are seen as just another political actor trying to advance its ideology, interests, and preferences, then the legitimacy of the institution can be gravely damaged. Some have argued that just this kind of damage was done when the U.S. Supreme Court intervened in the 2000 presidential election and, ultimately, determined the winner. In general, judges are mindful of threats to the legitimacy of the courts and are unwilling to put it at risk in order to prevail in any particular political or legal controversy.

Courts are not naturally and universally endowed with legitimacy; rather, a sense of legitimacy is accrued and built over time. Throughout the world, the decisions of courts have often been ignored or violently opposed. In some countries, unpopular rulings have resulted in riots (Bulgaria); court buildings have been attacked and burned (Pakistan); judges have been intimidated and removed from office (Zimbabwe), assassinated (Uganda), or reassigned to courts in the hinterland (Japan); courts have been stripped of their jurisdiction (United States); and, in the most extreme cases, judicial institutions have been suspended (United States) or abolished (Russia).

Functions of courts

Keeping the peace

The primary function of any court system—to help keep domestic peace—is so obvious that it is rarely considered or mentioned. If there were no institution that was accepted by the citizens of a society as an impartial and authoritative judge of whether a person had committed a crime and, if so, what type of punishment should be meted out, vigilantes offended by the person’s conduct might well take the law into their own hands and proceed to punish the alleged miscreant according to their uncontrolled discretion. If no agency were empowered to decide private disputes impartially and authoritatively, people would have to settle their disputes by themselves, with power rather than legitimate authority likely being the basis of such decisions. Such a system might easily degenerate into anarchy. Not even a primitive society could survive under such conditions. Thus, in this most basic sense, courts constitute an essential element of society’s machinery for keeping peace.