Philosophy of physics | History, Problems, & Theories (original) (raw)

philosophy of physics, philosophical speculation about the concepts, methods, and theories of the physical sciences, especially physics.

The philosophy of physics is less an academic discipline—though it is that—than an intellectual frontier across which theoretical physics and modern Western philosophy have been informing and unsettling each other for more than 400 years. Many of the deepest intellectual commitments of Western culture—regarding the character of matter, the nature of space and time, the question of determinism, the meaning of probability and chance, the possibility of knowledge, and much else besides—have been vividly challenged since the inception of modern science, beginning with the work of Galileo (1564–1642). By the time of Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727), a lively conversation between physics and a distinctly modern Western philosophical tradition was well under way, an exchange that has flourished to the present day. That conversation is the topic of this article.

This article discusses the logical structures of the most general physical theories of modern science, together with their metaphysical and epistemological motivations and implications. For treatment of the elements of scientific inquiry from a philosophical perspective, see science, philosophy of.

The philosophy of space and time

The Newtonian conception of the universe

According to Newton, the physical furniture of the universe consists entirely of infinitesimal material points, commonly referred to as particles. Extended objects, or objects that take up finite volumes of space, are treated as assemblages of particles, and the behaviours of objects are determined, at least in principle, by the behaviours of the particles of which they are composed. The properties of particles include mass, electric charge, and position.

Italian-born physicist Dr. Enrico Fermi draws a diagram at a blackboard with mathematical equations. circa 1950. Britannica Quiz Physics and Natural Law

The Newtonian conception is both complete and deterministic. It is complete in the sense that, if it were possible to list, for each moment of past time, what particles existed, what their masses, electric charges, and other intrinsic properties were, and what positions they occupied, the list would represent absolutely everything that could be said about the physical history of the universe; it would contain everything that existed and every event that occurred. The Newtonian conception is deterministic in the sense that, if it were possible to list, for a particular moment of time, the position and other intrinsic properties of each particle in the universe, as well as how the position of each particle is changing as time flows forward, the entire future history of the universe, in every detail, would be predictable with absolute certainty. Many thinkers, however, have regarded this determinism as incompatible with deep and important ideas about what it is to be a human being or to lead a human life—ideas such as freedom and responsibility, autonomy, spontaneity, creativity, and the apparent “openness” of the future.

The logical structure of Newtonian mechanics

The rate at which the position of a particle is changing at a particular time, as time flows forward, is called the velocity of the particle at that time. The rate at which the velocity of a particle is changing at a particular time, as time flows forward, is called the acceleration of the particle at that time. The Newtonian conception stipulates that force, which acts to maintain or alter the motion of a particle, arises exclusively between pairs of particles; furthermore, the forces that any two particles exert on each other at any given moment depend only on what sorts of particles they are and on their positions relative to each other. Thus, within Newtonian mechanics (the science of the motion of bodies under the action of forces), the specification of the positions of all the particles in the universe at a particular time and of what sorts of particles they are amounts to a specification of what forces are operating on each of those particles at that time.

According to Newton’s second law of motion, a certain very simple mathematical relation invariably holds between the total force on any particle at a particular time, its acceleration at that time, and its mass; the force acting on a particle is equal to the particle’s mass multiplied by its acceleration: F = ma

The application of this law (hereafter “Newton’s law of motion”) can be illustrated in detail in the following example. Suppose that one wished to calculate, for each particle i in a certain subsystem of the universe, the position of that particle at some future time t = T. For each particle at some initial time t = 0, one is given the particle’s position (x_0_i), velocity (v_0_i), mass (m i), electric charge (c i), and all other intrinsic properties.

One way of performing the calculation is by means of a succession of progressively better approximations. Thus, the first approximation might be to calculate the positions of all the particles at t = T by supposing that their velocities are constant and equal to v_0_i at t = 0 throughout the interval between t = 0 and t = T. This approximation would place particle i at x_0_i + v_0_i(T) at t = T. It is apparent, however, that the approximation would not be very accurate, because in fact the velocities of the particles would not remain constant throughout the interval (unless no forces were at work on them).

A somewhat better approximation could be obtained by dividing the time interval in question into two, one interval extending from t = 0 to t = T/2 and the other extending from t = T/2 to t = T. Then the positions of all the particles at T/2 could be calculated by supposing that their velocities are constant and equal to their values at t = 0 throughout the interval between t = 0 and t = T/2; this would place particle i at x_0_i + v_0_i(T/2) at T/2. The forces acting on each of the particles at t = 0 could then be calculated, according to the Newtonian conception, from their positions at t = 0 together with their masses, charges, and other intrinsic properties, all of which were given at the outset.

The velocities of the particles at T/2 could be obtained by plugging the values of these forces into Newton’s law of motion, F = ma, and assuming that, throughout the interval from t = 0 to t = T/2, their accelerations are constant and equal to their values at t = 0. This would make the velocity of particle i equal to _v_0 + a_0_i(T/2), where a_0_i is equal to the force on particle i at t = 0 divided by particle _i_’s mass. Finally, the position of particle i at t = T could be calculated by supposing that i maintains the new velocity throughout the interval between t = T/2 and t = T.

Although this approximation would also be inaccurate, it is an improvement over the first one because the intervals during which the velocities of the particles are erroneously presumed to be constant are shorter in the second calculation than in the first. Of course, this improvement can itself be improved upon by dividing the interval further, into 4 or 8 or 16 intervals.

As the number of intervals approaches infinity, the calculation of the particles’ positions at t = T approaches perfection. Thus, given a simple-enough specification of the dependence of the forces to which the particles are subjected on their relative positions, the techniques of integral calculus can be used to carry out the perfect calculation of the particles’ positions. Because T can have any positive value whatsoever, the positions of all the particles in the system in question at any time between t = 0 and t = ∞ (infinity) can in principle be calculated, exactly and with certainty, from their positions, velocities, and intrinsic properties at t = 0.