Public-choice theory | finance | Britannica (original) (raw)
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application to political economy
In political economy: National and comparative political economy …benefits and minimizing costs, and public-choice theorists focus on how policy choices are shaped or constrained by incentives built into the routines of public and private organizations. Modeling techniques adapted from econometrics are often applied to many different political economic questions. Read More
budgetary autonomy
In budgetary autonomy …traced to the ideas of public choice analyses of politics. According to public choice perspectives, government agents act as individuals responding to incentives, much as actors within a market. Budgetary autonomy provides a different set of incentives than traditional budget processes do and, in this way, opens the possibility of… Read More
governance theories and practice
In governance: The new public management …ideas associated with neoliberalism and public choice theory. At first, NPM spread in developed, Anglo-Saxon states. Later it spread through much of Europe—though France, Germany, and Spain are often seen as remaining largely untouched by it—and to developing and transitional states. In developed countries the impetus for NPM came from… Read More
In governance: Networks, partnerships, and inclusion …an extent, the fortunes of public choice theory and neoliberalism ebbed while those of reformist social democrats and network theorists rose. The rise of New Labour (see Labour Party) within the United Kingdom is perhaps the most obvious example of this tide. A second reason is a growing sensitivity to… Read More
public finance
In economics: Public finance … (1958) became the basis of public choice theory. As expressed in the book Calculus of Consent (1962) by American economists James Buchanan and Gordon Tullock, public choice theory applies the cost-benefit analysis seen in private decision making to political decision making. Politicians are conceived of as maximizing electoral votes in… Read More
work of
In James M. Buchanan …his development of the “public-choice theory,” a unique method of analyzing economic and political decision making. Read More
In William Riker …known as a form of public choice theory, or rational choice theory, because it relies on the assumption that individuals base their decisions on their calculation of costs and benefits and their desire to maximize the latter. Read More