In social structure: Structure and social organization …structure on the behaviour of institutions and their members. In other words, Durkheim believed that individual human behaviour is shaped by external forces. Similarly, American anthropologist George P. Murdock, in his book Social Structure (1949), examined kinship systems in preliterate societies and used social structure as a taxonomic device for… Read More
effect on human behaviour
In sociology Humans therefore depend on social institutions and organizations to inform their decisions and actions. Given the important role organizations play in influencing human action, it is sociology’s task to discover how organizations affect the behaviour of persons, how they are established, how organizations interact with one another, how they… Read More
influence on dietary laws and food customs
In dietary law Social institutions are the frames within which humans spend every living moment. This survey explores the institutional contexts in which dietary laws and food customs are cast in different societies. It also attempts to show that customs surrounding food are among the principal means by… Read More
In path dependence , an institution or a technology) can be shown to be path-dependent by identifying three essential elements. First, it must be demonstrated that, at the creation of the institution or technology under study, a contingency or series of contingencies occurred that led to the selection of one… Read More
Searle’s philosophy
In John Searle: Philosophy of social institutions of John Searle Searle’s interest in social institutions, like his interest in the mind, was also an outgrowth of his study of language. Speech acts, after all, are linguistic entities embedded in social settings. Searle was thus naturally drawn to questions concerning the constitution… Read More
settlement classification
In ekistics …functional classifications are rural settlements, institutional settlements established for a specific purpose, and urban settlements. Read More
target of social movements
In social movement: Types of social movements The social institution in or through which social change is to be brought about provides one basis for categorizing social movements as political, religious, economic, educational, and the like. It may be argued that all movements tend to be either political or religious in character, depending… Read More
uses of armorial bearings
In heraldry: General considerations …families to its employment by institutions and associations of various kinds, an outgrowth of the concept that an assembly or body of people can be personified as an individual, much as a limited company or corporation is viewed as a legal “person.” Medieval times provided numerous examples of arms borne… Read More
In heraldry: Nonfamilial heraldry In modern times in some countries the granting of arms to private persons has ceased, although grants of corporate arms are frequent. Historically it was an easy passage from the arms of individuals to those of corporate bodies. That is particularly evident in… Read More