Keeping goats - British Goat Society (original) (raw)

For more details and references to other sources about goat housing etc. the British Goat Society booklet “Goat keeping” is recommended. The video “Goat Husbandry and Health” also provides further information of value to all goat keepers.

Basic accomodation requirements

Other minimum requirements to keep goats?

Permanent fixtures and fittings in the goat pens


Corrugated iron is best avoided since it is cold in winter and hot in summer, having poor insulation. Roofs made from this material gather condensation and drip.
Many goat buildings are existing constructions that have been adapted. Concrete floors are ideal but wood tends to rot. In some areas earth floors can be used, but these must be free draining and you can have problems with vermin such as rats.
Internal penning can be made with wood, brick, building blocks or metal hurdles. Whatever is used there should not be any projections anywhere that can injure the goat. Make sure that all electric wires and fittings are well out of reach of the goats and well protected.

External facilities for yarded goats

Goats kept in the facilities mentioned above; a house and a yard, are variously described as stall-fed, yarded or zero grazed. With this system it is possible to keep goats in a small area. However, as the goats cannot go out and graze, you will have to bring the greens to them, in the form of greengrocers’ waste, branches, and cut grass (not grass cuttings from a lawnmower). Or you can take your goats for walks where they can browse the hedgerows. Goats will not thrive unless 50% of their diet is fibre.
This system is therefore more time consuming; it also requires an exact knowledge of the goats’ dietary requirements and a good botanical knowledge of which plants are not harmful to goats.
If contemplating keeping a goat in a small area, you must check local byelaws, and ensure that keeping goats will not be a nuisance to neighbours.

External facilities for free range goats

This is where the goats are provided with housing at night, in bad weather and during winter, but they are allowed access to grazing. There are degrees of free ranging. An area of grass of less than 1/8 hectare for two goats can only be considered as useful for exercise, it would soon get soiled and the goats would not eat it. Areas larger than this will provide some grazing for goats, but remember goats are not as good at grazing as sheep, preferring to browse or graze selectively. As far as goats are concerned the ideal free range would be unrestricted grassland and mixed woodland, but most goats have to manage with less than this! Free access from their permanent house to grassland is preferable, but if you have to put goats in fields for set periods, they must have access to a field shelter. High stock fencing or electric fencing is ideal. Pygmy goats require much less space, of course. Some breeds, such as Angoras and Boers, graze better than dairy goats.


This is the worst form of management; it is very time consuming and is not recommended for other reasons too. You have to move the goat, when it has trampled the grass and needs fresh grazing; whenever rain threatens; and you need to constantly ensure it has water and shelter from the hot sun. A tethered goat is also at the mercy of stray dogs and malicious children. If not done properly it can lead to serious cruelty and neglect.