Cafe Habana | Cuban-Mexican Restaurant in the US and Japan (original) (raw)


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Founded in 1998, Café Habana is a Cuban-Mexican neighborhood cafe & bar famed for its grilled corn, cuban sandwiches, cócteles and other well priced eats, based out of downtown New York City & beyond.

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>> 501(c)3 non-profit

Philanthropy has always been at the heart of Café Habana. It’s in our community ethos. It’s no big deal. It’s just what we do. But this is bigger than Café Habana.
A 501(c)3 non-profit [Habana Works]. A commitment. To urban environmentalism and community. Utilising our strengths, living our values. Recognising our privilege, sharing our success. Providing opportunity within our communities.

Stepping up, to provide step ups.

a sign on the side of a building

'It's still one of the coolest restaurants in NYC, it's still delicious, it's still cheap, and crack is still the special ingredient to the corn.'


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