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Scott and Bruce Oake

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  1. Al MacNeil of Sydney had an outstanding career as both a player, coach and executive member in both the American Hockey League and National Hockey League. MacNeil, who died earlier this month, is currently not in the Hockey Hall of Fame. CONTRIBUTED.
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  3. DELANEY: Cape Breton MP ponders run for prime minister Cape Breton Liberals may soon have something special to ponder about their forthcoming federal leadership campaign; the presence of one of our own amongst the candidates with the putative candidacy of MP Jaimie Battiste. Elected twice, Battiste is exploring the possibility of running for party leader and with it Prime Minister of Canada. Heady stuff for a backbench MP, not known for any particular areas of accomplishment. Yet, desperate times, and these are certainly such times for Liberals, open the field for options normally not considered plausible. In media interviews, the most extensive from Ian Nathanson in the Cape Bretron Post, Battiste indicated he was encouraged by a variety of people, most especially First Nations leadership representatives to put his name forward. I am always amused by politicians who hear voices challenging their modesty while simultaneously reinforcing their ambitions. It is a line-straddling exercise par excellence. One wonders ­- but not for very long – but for these pleadings would such ambitions not come to the surface. The cynic might suggest he is running to enhance his prospects for re-election as an MP, where most polls presently indicate he is running considerably behind the Conservative candidate. Faced with a newly defined constituency and a visceral anti-Liberal tide, his pulling out such an all stops tactic might be understood, if not forgiven.
    Sydney—Victoria MP Jaime Battiste
  4. Northside carver
  5. Real estate agents in Pictou and Colchester counties say they’ve experienced one of their busiest seasons yet, despite COVID-19. – 123RF
  6. The staff at W.J. Dooley Funeral Home in North Sydney. Back row from left are Robert MacPhee, Patrick O'Neill, Michael Walsh, Peter Walsh and Leonard Guy. Front row from left are Mary Camp and Eileen Walsh.

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