Council will lead the way in drive to deliver a carbon neutral Cardiff by 2030 (original) (raw)


The One Planet Strategy - which sets out Cardiff Council's plans to deliver a carbon neutral local authority by 2030 - has been published and approved by Cardiff Council's Cabinet.

The council has spent the past year calculating the amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) (expressed as an equivalent carbon dioxide emission (CO2e)) it produces, while looking at ways in which emissions can be reduced.

The latest figures show that Wales' capital is responsible for 1,626,056 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide (CO2e) every year, with around 184,904 tonnes generated by the council.

Cllr Michael Michael, Cabinet Member for Clean Streets, Recycling and Environment, said: "There is little doubt that climate change is the defining global challenge of our generation. This Council declared a Climate Emergency in 2019, and since then we have been working hard to build a strategy that sets out how the council will become carbon neutral by 2030.

"Over the past 5 years this administration has successfully reduced Cardiff Council's carbon emissions from electricity by 70%. As part of our One Planet strategy, we have projects already up and running or ready to go which, when fully implemented, will reduce our emissions by 57% by 2030. We also have a series of proposals, which we are now developing business cases for, which we believe will deliver a carbon-neutral council by 2030.

"Ideally we want the whole city to be carbon neutral by 2030. To do that we know we have to lead by example. It is the right thing to do, and we know it is what the majority of people in Cardiff want us to do.

"Our plan is to front up, show what can be achieved, and to do our best to bring our residents, businesses and the public sector together on this journey, to create the greener, cleaner, healthier city we all want. Reducing total carbon emissions created by the city is a major challenge. The council is making a head start on that too. We are introducing a raft of measures which, if fully implemented, could cut the city's total emissions by 22% by 2030. Transport accounts for 41% of all carbon emissions created in Cardiff right now. It is the largest single producer of carbon in the city. This is why our Transport White Paper is clearly aimed at reducing private car use while boosting public transport and active travel use. This will be key to reducing citywide emissions."

The public, business, key stakeholders and the youth of Cardiff were consulted on the draft One Planet Strategy in late 2020 and early 2021 and the results, alongside the council's carbon data analysis identified two priorities:

The results of that consultation have now been fed into the final strategy and a number of recommendations have been presented to Cardiff Council's Cabinet at its meeting on Thursday, October 13, including:

Cllr Michael added: "To achieve our aim of becoming a carbon neutral council by 2030, we needed to understand the carbon impact of all of the services that the council delivers. This baseline modelling has now been completed and work is already underway on delivering solutions which we believe could reduce our emissions in the medium term by 57%.

"However, there is much more work to be done developing our proposals for ‘medium to long-term' solutions which will be required to deliver a carbon neutral council by 2030."

In total Cardiff Council is producing 184,904 tonnes of CO2eevery year. This carbon footprint falls under three categories - ‘caused emissions', ‘direct emissions' and ‘indirect emissions.'

Caused Emissions - 163,441 tonnes of CO 2e (86% of council's total)

The scope of ‘caused emissions' is split into two main sections, procurement of products and services and staff commuting to work. Caused emissions account for 163,441 tonnes of CO2eemitted. This is 86% of the total carbon emissions produced by the council. This 86% is split into two categories, with procurement accounting for 94% and staff commuting to work generating 6% of carbon emissions.

The procurement element of this category is vast and includes most council services including, waste management; passenger transport; construction projects; social care provision; highway maintenance; catering; events; ICT provision and more.

To tackle the carbon emissions from ‘procurement', and the staff commute, the council's plans include:

Council's Direct Emissions - 14,745 tonnes of CO 2e (8% of council's total)

This involves CO2eemitted from gas boilers in council properties and vehicle exhausts which account for 14,745 tonnes (8%) of total CO2egenerated by the council. This 8% is split into two subcategories, CO2egenerated from natural gas (68%) and the CO2egenerated from council vehicles (32%).

The council's plans to reduce this include:

Indirect Emissions - 11,373 tonnes of CO 2e (6% of council's total)

This involves the use of electricity which accounts for 11,373 CO2etonnes emitted by the council. This is 6% of the Council's total carbon emissions. This 6% is split into two subcategories with 77% of CO2eemitted via electricity used in council buildings and 23% of CO2egenerated through street lighting.

The council's plans to reduce this include:

Carbon emissions across the city

Using UK government data it has been assessed that Cardiff as a city produces 1,626,056 tonnes of GHG (CO2e) every year. The total carbon output across the city shows that:

The citywide figure is calculated as carbon created within the physical boundary of the city. The council's total emissions are more detailed and include emissions created outside the city which the council is responsible for. Examples include the electricity it uses which is created in power stations outside the city, the staff commute from beyond Cardiff, and the supply manufacture and delivery of goods and services which the local authority buys from outside Cardiff.

The council's plans to help reduce emissions citywide by over a fifth (22%), include:

Cllr Michael added: "Most importantly we know that we can't achieve a major shift in the city if we act alone. Our research and consultation has underlined the importance of good communication, targeted campaigns and constant engagement to underline that this needs to be a citywide effort. We all have a part to play. One Planet Cardiff therefore makes a commitment to reach out to the public and major stakeholders to promote and support collective action through a behaviour change programme."

To do this the council will:

You can read the full One Planet Strategy Document here -One Planet Cardiff