Darkseid: 10 Things DC Fans Should Know About the Anti-Life Equation (original) (raw)

While Marvel comics is famous for its long list of compelling protagonists, DC has cornered the market on all-time great antagonists. From the Joker to Lex Luthor, there is no shortage of amazing supervillains to choose from in the many worlds of DC. No villain in this universe is more deadly than the lord of Apokolips, Darkseid.

Throughout this powerful, villainous character's long history, Darkseid has been obsessed with his search for the coveted Anti-Life Equation. While this mysterious formula is often talked about in DC comics, there is still a lot that remains unknown about the nature of the equation. Here are ten things that DC fans should know about the Anti-Life Equation.

10 Mister Miracle Knows The Formula


One of the few heroes from Apokolips, Mister Miracle, actually knows the equation. Because of this, he could use it to attain ultimate power whenever he wishes. Mister Miracle ignores this temptation, and that is a more impressive feat than many may realize.

For almost anyone that could learn the Equation, their will power would not be strong enough to refrain from using it for their own gain. Mister Miracle shows that he has more will power than most when he chooses not to manipulate Anti-Life.

9 Static Is Immune


At a time when the Anti-Life Equation was going to be used on the superhero Static, it was revealed that the hero is immune to Anti-Life control. Very few beings in all of existence can say as much.

Some have theorized that Static's abilities interfere with the electrical impulses that move through his brain. The Anti-Life Equation seeks to piggyback on those impulses and, because of Static's abilities, fails to do so in his case.

8 Love Is A Key Ingredient


During one of Darkseid's expeditions searching for the answers to the elusive equation, he discovered one of its key ingredients. This revelation shocked Darkseid all the way to his core.

One of the key ingredients of the Anti-Life Equation is love. If manipulated properly, love can be used against people in order to rob them of their free will. This information helped Darkseid get one step closer to solving the puzzle.

7 Darkseid's Theory


When the idea of the Anti-Life Equation was first introduced it actually had yet to be a proven, or even theoretical, concept. Instead, there was the Martian concept of the "Life Equation." After discovering this Martian idea, Darkseid figured out that the Life Equation must have an opposite.

It was actually Darkseid who first even theorized the possibility of the Anti-Life Equation. Then, many years later, he was able to finally prove the theory on several different occasions. This highlights what kind of genius Darkseid is, and how closely linked the supervillain is to his treasured equation.

6 Orion Used The Formula


There was a time when Darkseid and his minion Desaad had finally learned the equation. Orion, hoping to stop them, went out of his way to learn it as well.

In opposition to his New God enemy, Orion used the equation in order to force people to be happy and good. Taking away free will in order to achieve these aims was a bad idea, as Orion learned soon thereafter.

5 It Started DCeased

Superman DCeased 1

The alternate-timeline story DCeased takes place in a DC universe overrun by a zombie plague. This zombie virus is different from most, however. Rather than some sort of strange disease, these zombies are created by the Anti-Life Equation.

After combining the Anti-Life Equation with the Black Racer, Darkseid unknowingly created a new form of the Equation that drove anyone who looked upon it mad with rage. After witnessing the equation himself, Darkseid tore his face apart with his bare hands and was promptly killed.

4 Can Be Spread Through The Internet

Darkseid wields the anti-life equation in DC Comics' Final Crisis.

Although sometimes depicted as a sort of disease, the Anti-Life Equation doesn't spread like a viral infection. Instead, it can be spread more like a form of information. If someone learns or sees it, they are immediately affected.

Both in mainstream continuity and in the world of DCeased, the Anti-Life Equation has been spread to people through the internet. Because of how prevalent the internet is in modern-day life, this makes the spread impossible to stop.

3 There Are Protections Against The Equation


Several different heroes in the DC universe have learned of different ways that they can protect themselves from the formula's influence. All of these methods are vitally important for defeating Darkseid.

If 0ne happens to write the New Genesis word from for "freedom" on their face, they remain immune. Doctor Sivana and Lex Luthor had also created a device that can manipulate the equation. Lastly, Wonder Woman can break the Anti-Life Equation's hold on someone's free will through the use of her Lasso of Truth.

2 Anti-Life Namesake

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The purpose of this deadly equation is to give the user utter and total control over the will of all sentient life. When newcomers to the DC comics first learn about the Anti-Life Equation, they assume that the mathematical formula must simply end the lives of those it is used against.

While its name may logically lead one to believe that, the actual reason it is called Anti-Life is actually a much more cogent explanation for how it acquired its name. This equation is called Anti-Life because if someone possesses control over you, then you're not really alive. A profound point that makes the reality of this formula and its applications all the more chilling.

1 Anti-Death Equation


In an alternate reality showcased in The Multiversity, there was depicted an alternate universe version of the Anti-Life Equation. This alternative, dubbed the Anti-Death Equation, fits more in line with what many people confusingly think the Anti-Life Equation is.

The Anti-Death Equation is a dark mysterious force that has the capability of transforming living beings into grotesque creatures incapable of dying. While not quite the same as the strain of the formula we see in DCeased, this version is of the same ilk.

Next: 5 Reasons Darkseid Is DC's Numer One Supervillain (& 5 Why It’s Anti-Monitor)