Which Disney Villain Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign? (original) (raw)

Animated films often have more creative freedom when creating characters, allowing them to craft interesting and unique villains. Combining this impressive versatility with their shared antagonistic tendency to adhere to their most toxic traits at all times, one can easily sort some of Disney's iconic villains according to the 12 zodiac signs.

Although Disney villains inherently exhibit an abundance of flaws, matching them with their sign helps bring much-needed light on characters too complex to be seen as entirely evil. In the end, many of Disney's iconic villains prove more relatable than they first appear.

12 Jafar Is An Aries And Ambitious To A Fault

Jafar the Sorcerer in Aladdin (1992)

Aries are often recognized for their ability to do anything they set their mind to in order to prove themselves, regardless of the consequences. This trait practically defines Jafar's actions throughout Aladdin. Jafar emphasizes this trait when he sacrifices his reputable position as the Sultan's right-hand man for his insatiable desire for power.

Jafar's quest persists even after he becomes an all-powerful genie toward the end of the film. Since such hubris ends up being Jafar's downfall, the sorcerer's demise serves as a cautionary tale for Aries to keep their ambitions in check and be careful what they wish for.

11 Lady Tremaine Is A Power-Hungry Taurus Set In Her Ways

Lady Tremaine Smirks in Cinderella

Even though Tauruses are most notable for their stubborn ways, their headstrong tendencies are ruled by a logical worldview and preference to remain in control of themselves and the world around them. This sentiment rings true of Lady Tremaine, the evil stepmother in Disney's Cinderella films. At first glance, viewers see her actions as needlessly cruel.

This remains undoubtedly true, and it's possible Lady Tremaine acts that way to seize control of her disorganized household. This willingness to do whatever it takes becomes clearer in the third Cinderella movie when Lady Tremaine goes to even farther lengths than before. When her plans fail, she continues to manage her house, reassigning her daughters to take over Cinderella's previous chores.

10 Hades Is An Observant, Calculating Gemini

Hades in Hercules.

Since Geminis tend to be very intelligent and perceptive of the world around them, they can easily analyze others and adjust their mannerisms to best match the energy of any room they find themselves in. While this trait can be harmless and even beneficial among extroverted, sociable Geminis, it can become dangerous in the hands of calculated yet conniving villains like Hades from Hercules.

Since Hades can be cold and cynical one moment and personable and persuasive the next, it's hard to get a good read on him. Although these traits make Hades an excellent villain, he fleetingly shows a softer side when he honors the deal he made with Hercules and frees Megara.

9 Yzma Is A Cancer Continually Haunted By Her Past

Yzma smiles in The Emperor's New Groove.

As people in touch with their emotions, Cancers are generally seen as grounded individuals whose openness inspires those around them. However, Cancers can also let their pasts haunt them, and it can be difficult for some to move past previous hardships.

Since Yzma's villainy is dominated by her inability to accept Kuzco firing her, she displays behaviors that can mirror Cancers. Rather than move on from her overbearing grudge against Kuzco, Yzma sees no other course of action than vengeance since she cannot forgive and forget how small Kuzco made her feel during The Emperor's New Groove.

8 Gaston Is A Stubborn, Attention-Seeking Leo


Leos are known for being boldly charming and personable, leading some to view them egotistical. When thinking about which Disney villain best embodies Leo energy, no one holds a candle to Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. As the focus of a musical number named after him that literally sings his praises, Gaston doesn't shy from the spotlight and continuously throws seeks it throughout the film.

Leos' potential for jealously is similarly showcased when Gaston realizes Belle will never love him. In this moment, Gaston can't accept the notion that someone as "great" as him can have a one-sided crush, and he does anything he can to solve his dilemma.

7 Hans Is An Analytical Virgo Who Does Everything To The Best Of His Ability

Anna and Hans as he reveals he's evil in Frozen

Virgos are often meticulous perfectionists who rarely stray from the rules. Hans, the main antagonist of Frozen, displays such tendencies. As a villain, Hans carefully plays his cards, preventing anyone from guessing his true motives until he reveals his true colors toward the end of the film.

Hans feigns attractions toward Anna as part of his evil plan to usurp Arendelle by marrying Anna. One of Disney's most unlikeable villains, Hans' intelligence is clearly evidenced by his quiet observations of others and his constant calculations.

6 Mother Gothel Is A Complex Libra Who Can't Judged By Her Exterior

Mother Gothel sings to Rapunzel in Tangled.

Libras can be difficult to get a good read on since their ability to understand people's personalities allows them to be chameleons in any social situation. While often regarded as caring and compassionate, they can be opinionated individuals. Such mannerisms describe Mother Gothel from Tangled.

Although Gothel maintains the facade of a loving mother who knows best, it later becomes clear she only shows falsified kindness to Rapunzel in order to exploit her powers. While Mother Gothel possesses a theatrical likability early in the film, she refuses to see the harm she's causing Rapunzel and charmingly evades the real issue.

5 Doctor Facilier Is A Guarded Scorpio Who's Surprisingly Compassionate

Doctor Facilier from Princess and the Frog

It isn't always easy for Scorpios to let their guard down. This sentiment is similarly true of Doctor Facilier, the main antagonist of The Princess and the Frog. Despite being a charismatic smooth-talker, Doctor Facilier works alone and his only friends throughout the film are the loa (spirits) that he ironically refers to as his "friends on the Other Side."

Even though Doctor Facilier has an impenetrable, tough attitude for much of the film, he has a charitable soft side, like most Scorpios. Despite lacking morals for a considerable portion of the film, Doctor Facilier frequently sympathizes with characters who are down on their luck.

4 Cruella De Vil Is A Logic-Driven, Cunning Sagittarius

Cruella de Vil wearing red gloves and grinning as she smokes

Sagittariuses have objective worldviews and rarely allow their emotions to get in the way of such logic. Because of this, they can develop ambitions too great for them alone, but can't admit this since they see it as a sign of weakness.

Cruella De Vil from 101 Dalmatians is a villain who primarily acts according to this sentiment. While villains like Hans believe it's easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar, Cruella adheres to her lofty business model and does whatever she can to live up to it—despite how many feathers she ruffles.

3 The Evil Queen Is A Self-Righteous Capricorn Who Demands Respect

Evil Queen In Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs

Capricorns are often disciplined individuals who desire respect. Because of this, they frequently assert themselves however they can and will do anything to garner this respect. These mannerisms encapsulate the Evil Queen's motives during Snow White.

The Queen demonstrates such determination from the very beginning of the movie when she hires the Huntsman to kill Snow White. Besides doing this in order to ensure she becomes the fairest in all the land, the Evil Queen hopes to maintain the respect owed to her royal, powerful title.

2 Ursula Is A Charismatic, Spontaneous Hermit

Ursula in The Little Mermaid.

Aquarians are generally lone wolves who can thrive in large groups and in solitude. They value the interesting over the predictable and sometimes end up isolating themselves due to their contrarian opinions. Such tendencies aptly describe Ursula from The Little Mermaid.

As someone known for bamboozling "poor, unfortunate souls" for her solitary gain, Ursula is accustomed to being on her own and uses her alienating yet logic-driven worldviews to her advantage. Ursula's unethical business deals keep her life incredibly interesting and constantly throw her into situations that keep her on her (nonexistent) toes.

1 The Queen Of Hearts Is An Emotion-Driven, Uniquely Loyal Pisces


Pisces can be ruled by their emotions and fantasies, leading them to do whatever they can to satisfy these interests. While some may dismiss such behavior as fickle, this also hints that Pisces are introspective individuals who know themselves better than the other signs.

As a misunderstood villain who lets her emotions impede logic, the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland possesses tendencies reminiscent of Pisces. Although she's prone to mood swings, the Queen of Hearts displays a unique form of loyalty characteristic of Pisces later in the film when she willingly postpones several beheadings at the request of her husband, the King of Hearts.

NEXT: Which Avenger Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?